8Save all your recorded image data• In the case of your image data being damaged,save all your recorded images. It is recommendedthat you save the image data on a DVD using yourcomputer (p.83, 96). Also, you can save it usingVCR/DVD device (p.70).• It is recommended that you save your image dataperiodically after recording.Do not apply shock or vibration to yourcamcorder• The hard disk of the camcorder may not berecognized, or recording or playback may not bepossible.• Especially, during recording/playback, do notapply shock. After recording, do not applyvibration or shock to the camcorder, while theACCESS lamp is lit.• While using the shoulder belt (not supplied), donot crash the camera against a subject.On the drop sensor• To protect the internal hard disk from the shockby dropping, the camcorder has the drop sensorfunction (p.59). When a drop occurs, or under anon-gravity condition, the block noise to protectthe camcorder may also be recorded. If the dropsensor catches a drop repeatedly, recording/playback may be stopped.Notes on Battery Pack/AC Adaptor• While the ACCESS lamp is lit, be sure to avoidthe followings. They may cause malfunctions.– Removing the battery pack– Removing the AC Adaptor (while chargingusing the AC Adaptor)• Be sure to remove the battery pack or the ACAdaptor after turning off the POWER switch.Note on operational temperatures• When the temperature of the camcorder becomesextremely high or extremely low, you may notrecord or playback the camcorder to provideprotection to the camcorder. In case of this, amessage appears on the LCD screen (p.114).Note on connecting the camcorder to acomputer• Do not format the hard disk of the camcorderusing the computer. It may not operate correctly.Note on using the camcorder inhighlands• Do not turn on the camcorder in a low-pressurearea, where its altitude is more than 3,000 meters(9,800 feet). This may damage the hard disk driveof your camcorder.Note on disposal/transfer• If you perform [HDD FORMAT] (p.58) orformatting the camcorder, you may not delete datafrom the hard disk completely. When you transferthe camcorder, it is recommended that youperform [EMPTY HDD] (p.59) to make itdifficult to recover your data. In addition to theabove, when you dispose of the camcorder, it isrecommended that you destroy the actual body ofthe camcorder. This may prevent data recoveryon the hard disk of the camcorder.If you cannot record/play back images,perform [HDD FORMAT]• If you repeat recording/deleting images for a longtime, fragmentation occurs. Images cannot besaved/recorded. In such case, save the images toperform [HDD FORMAT] (p.58).Fragmentation 1 Glossary (p.124)Notes on using the Hard Disk Drive Handycam