SONY. 4 -408- 158-01 (1):>cml/::;xInterchangeable LensObjectif int erchangeableilJ!!! ~ilEA:IIXlllmB!li'lOperat1ng InstruCtionsMode d emploManual de 1nstrucc10nesfll'llh~D!HiE 30 mm F3.S MacroE SOmm F1 .8 055So nna r T * E 24 mm F1 .8 ZA Illl§..t.lli.iia ©20 11 So ny Corpo rati o nSEL 30M3 5/ SELSOF1 8/ SEL24F 18Z nted in China 111111111111111111111111111114408158010i: O)il!l!IJ WI . Cilff 7 0% CJ .t O)ilj~lft C: .VOC 1Jllll! 1Hllltlt<'lll!)t!D~l?!Jlll !!i 1Y'\'~ff!!l V Cl\"'9,Pr inted on 70% or more recycled paperusing VO C (Volatile Orga nicCompouod) -free vegetable oil based ink.E 30mm F3.5 Macro1 2[{]!' [llE SO mm F1. 8 OSSSo nn a rT* E 24mm F1. 8 ZA[Di,[H}·..[IJ-1E 30mm F3.5 MacroE SOmm F1 .8 05 5Sonn arT* E 24mm F1.8 ZAlli!ll liill: . w!ilo:>t::"->o:>lt at~JJ '!'16 '!ffS I t.t~lc.A ..... o:>llW\>*ll!t.t.!:o:>Mil"'0 III W'I!-'o;t;r.;:c1J116tl*T.i: O)IIJI!Il!liD)l C: I !ll lil ~ '}j <:tc Q) O) !Ii!J! 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Hlll9ll<:ii5:@ '1Wiiii'3'1c:' 3 111' 900)"'-IJ<:rclt>l<:.L;/7:7- t-'OJ!lel!l"S99!bL, 5'9 .E 30mm F3.S MacroSonnarT* E 24mm F1.8ZA:L;:.t::(7-I-'Wiil I!i! l<:i3:btt-cltlt>i6<11. ~.;;.;7:7-1-'0Jiil v::.tXOJ#-I!i!tJi i3:-=> -crn7-:; Jc~ 13 a:-co;J~1Jicii<=IEI9 o• !J:<5 f'l i!l.. BL.,< l . 5· > '-' "- ~"":oc! $~:o<:>cl!l 75~'-'"-'lt!J'i!ESn<:><:c!J ' ®tJ"'oOJ c . L/Y77 - f'~l ' ,• u/77 - f'I C: B. 7-{ Jc 5' - 1'>L/Y77D/ c'\' 1' •y7 ~11X'Jt:tl:t'll<:I:!J'cl!*9 , <15il!'c10J7-IC J; co <::l L/Y7 1C: 7 -1' Jc5'-~IIJI'JI11:tl<:®l: . u/7 7- f'~ IIJ(D I1l :t'lli:C: !J'cl!ae9 , (E 30mm F3.5MacroO) Ji)• !ili!Jij!L/;.;77- f'~J(J(I!'l9'6JC:l! l IC:IIXD 111:t<:: < Tc<'cl l, ( SonnarT * E24mm Fl.S ZAOlih)E SOmm F1.8 OSS:l/:.t:A7-I-'OJ!Ult>1111ll50JII>:I*cv;.;:Aw$'tYiiilOJ~:I*"'lcii<:IEI9.• !J:<5 f'J iit.tJ L., < l 7 5·> 0/"-~ff co c!i ~Jo<:>C:" l 75•YO/:J. :'It !J'i!ESn'i:>i: c !J'®0*90) L'. u;.; 7 7 - t-'~l <::• li!i\l\j! L/ /7 7 - t-' ~J(J(Il'l90C:"I . 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'E- 1-'~il!lv cc<'c '·E30mm ESOmmim~~(~;S) F35Macro F180SS(S.El30M35) (SELSOF18 J35 mm'IIJI!I If ~ell " •s 75(mm )l):y~ ~if'Jii "'iliiJ'iill:"iiiiE:~:E Hiililii~~ i[i ii.llYii~!ifi ~ SOQ 32°.,_ , .r'l.w J::::iiiii~o ' li9 j\~l1iiliifil :,. ,im~!~iiII:I;:Jii ll!ft'!>l'(ft'!) 1.0 o. l6e. !!~rJlim1!!~!l~:;~~~~ ~J!!~;i.!ii~t!~f?¥~s~!f:,dl!~!!7-< Jl.r$'-f§:( mm ) 49 49~~~'~ m~,~ ~~~t:~lil~fi~~ ~~i1lMli( f:l :g) 138 202lill ~~ t)J r;l!,.H~!!\!1 ~ 1~!!~ ~·1\i ~~~i!'ll!!!ji"m,;S(~:S) Sonnar T * E24mm Fl 8 ZA(SEL24F18ZJ35mml!!l!I !M>:I€1111 " 36(mm)LJ,:t~l¥ ~ ~ , ,.iilil'l 61 'H llll'i!!llll •' (m) 0.16u *1i~ m~ > o.2slliJi~ b .. f/227 -< J~:9-nf! lmml "~-;t ;n .C II :>tii\ X!l < ~:ll'm lJ!l li (f:l :'g) 225" L:i: C'0)35mm*UJj!l'j:!<,'i:\ ie 111! l APS-Ctt-1'7m ~OJ~®l~fl'~ J illlll.,lc L/Y7xll!it7V5' Ju!J;;. 5 cOJ iiO ~ 'i!< L., * o ·*' lalll l®?51E1l!C: I l\lli! ~ i'iili!J'S llli "l' lt *C'OJIE111!~'l~Cl.,"''"" O/t>•y:9 - 7.\0 - f' ( Jiil ~J'*I'fi C: J;t:Jl'HJ''6J )" li:'J'it'¥7vliliiE I c n c: aett lv ,• L/ Y 7 0)11! !~1 c: J; co <:: l . ! m,; IE ~1 0Jll:fli c: f# co <::!J(~IE1111!J'll:lt9 'llll< t'> !J'® b ae o . ioJXO)!Ii ,'i:\ IE 111! l J 0~:JEI1ii!J'I!!tiW ~ cO);ti'ico,IOJlllll!'IJE 3 0mm F3 .5 Macro (SEL 30M35) :L;/:7(1 ) , L;/7: 7 0;.; H't' •y7 ( 1),[.;;.J:;(IJ'I?~t' Y7(1) , [.;;/:;(7- t-''( 1) ,EP iii iJl!'IJ - lt*;$:ffit[;: ~li§'E 50mm Fl. 8 05 5 (5ELSOF1 8) :L;;.;:;((l). L;;/::;( 7 0/ ~~,., -;>7 ( 1),L;:;;::Z:IJ'I?~t'Y7(1), v/7:7 - f'C 1) .EP iii iJl?!J-ltSonna rT* E 24 mm F1. 8 ZA(SEL 24 F1 8Z) :[.;;_;::;((1). L;;/:;( 7 0/ ~'\'t>Y7 ( 1),[.;;_;;;(IJ'I?O\'t' -;> 7(1 ) , l;;/:;(7 - t-'( 1) .7-7.( 1) .EPiiiiJl?!J-lt1±1.llSJ:U'9lfmld:. Cl!J§IOJtc.!t>r\5/J: < 'll'l!'9 Q L:ctJ'®t>iF9t:J'. L'75J\ <': l\,(J( Id:Y = -l* lt ~1fO)illi~c9 owm;wT h is instruction manua l explains how to use lenses.Precautions common to all lenses such as notes on useare found in the separate " Prec aution s before using". Besure to read both documents before using your lens.This manua l is for several differ ent lenses.TheE 30mm F3.5 Macro and E SOmm F I .S OSSaredesign ed for Son y a cam era system E-mo u nt cameras.The Son narT * E 24mm F\.8 ZA was developed jointlyby Car l Zeiss and Sony Co rporation and designed for SonyE- mo un t cameras. Th is lens is produced und er t he s tr ictstan dards and qua lity assur ance system of Carl Ze iss.You can not use it on A-mount cameras.• The illustrations in this manual show theE 30mm f3.5 Macrolens unless otherwi.~e stated.Notes on Use• When carrying a camera with the lens attached, always firmlyhold both the camera and the lens.Precautions on using a flash• When using a flash, always remove the lens hood and shootat least I m (3.3 feet) a way from your subject. \V i th certaincombinations of lens and flash, the lens may partially blockthe light of the flash, resulting in a shadow at the bottom ofthe picture.Vignetting• When using t he lens, the corners of the screen become darke rthan the center. To reduce this phenomena (called vignett ing),close the aperture by l to 2 stops.fi1 Identifying the Parts1 Lens h ood index2 Focusing ring3 Lens con tact s'4 Mou nt ing index• Do n ot t ouch the le ns contacts.I!) Attaching and Detaching the LensTo attach the lens(See illustration I!J-[IJ .)1 Remove the rear and front lens caps and thecamera body cap.• You can attach/detach the front lens cap in two \vays, ( l)and (2).2 Align the white index on the lens barrel withthe white index on the camera (mountingindex), then insert the lens into the cameramount and rotate it clockwise until it locks.• Do not press t he lens release button on the camera whenmounting the lens.• Do not mount the lens at an angle.To remove the lens(See illustration GJ- [gj .)While holdi ng down the lens release button onthe camera, rotate the lens countetclockwiseuntil it stops, then detach the lens.