SONY. 4-408-1 58-02(1 )~~[..1::.;;;(Interchangeable LensObjectif interchangeableOJ:il!~tl~E 30mm F3.5 MacroE SOmm F1.8 OSSSonnarT*E24mmF1.8 ZA II''·"·'""' neVPrinted in China 111111111111111111111111111114408158020<:OJ!lllllllll voc (lfj!tt'lll!l i ttsl?!lt'olll¥nil!ll!:H'-'*'~<(Y;JllV<:c'<'!f.Printed on 70 % or more recycled paperusing VOC (Volatile OrganicCompound)-free vegetable oil based ink.E 50mm F1.8 0555onnar T * E 24mm F1.8 ZAlllllilill3.!1i.C07:::10C!lil8.JII£'ir5f . A."-COU\'>:I:!llt;ti!.COIPJ8"C!llUI£Ji:il~O::l:!JII501!T .<:OJII *ll1'~<1'Jj <:To!DO)ll!l!'U:±!!'!!IIii:'EiiiilO)lti(OW\...\fJ'tc~~L L\...Yif9. L.O) ! !lHD~~&~J::<JjO)J::.~~~~{Z: \... Y:JCB~Srt.Qffl-I;:!V9'"~§l_., -c <tCC\... 'Q<::o:lr!WtJl;jtBJl~Jl'l L;:.;:;(O)fiel 1/H.::;;;o;jtBjjL C:L i:f 9 . fie!'i±;O;;I;i:c, L;:.;:;(l;:f!:im Lt.:: L:;±;;;:t>;jtBJll;: ::>L \ C: l rlle!llilDO)L')±;;!;;Jl'L'~ffll1:f9."' 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I//A7- ~'l!'!ll1Di1110<:C::1J1 c>=;f1f.(E 30mm F3.5Macro(J)(}-J)• Jillt11 ~'l!'llil!ll90c>=l . i;'iOJ>=ICI..>YAIC!Il1t:>HI1C:: E 24mm F1.8ZA(7)Jj)E SOmm F1.8 OSS:v/A'7- t-'1DIIllt>M11Bil!D~vtcv/7:1D9t!liiiiiDII"..vt~8t>tt.rn7'YJc~,3~c~ztniDII<=IE19 .• :t:J751'lK'E>L.,<~I'l~75'YO/.J.'i'lii'::>C::Jil~90c'el . 75'YO/.J.J't1JIJI!SI10L:c1J'ii!5Dil'90)c,UYA7 - ~'i'l• Jlliii!W:U/A7- t''i'llillll901:'eliOJ>=Icl//AIC!Il1t:liii1C::m ~::";~ t-~abtt-t~t::.; ~ gtltrl . VFF ID3::>o:I1JiM'iiDIJ:f9.•:t-t-7:t-:IJA<:'::.; ~gtJtr;;;oEIIIJl'1'J3.• DMF($1-1'1.1~ t-~=:o71~7:t-:IJA);t - ~ 7"-nA ct'::.; ~;;;ogtJtrt.::Jii:l ;: . x = :J.rJvct': :.; ~%iill~fl!90.• ~=:o71~7:t-:IJA{:'::.; ~gtJtr;;;o'J'IIJl'fJ3.€r'E - r: o:~~:!I . n/ 51D!f)(l.!l~B!li!!~cl'i'I?Dfi5IO:::>I.\'t'(E 30mm F3.S Macro)ifilliCI)DI:Iltt. ~=:~.rlli7?~~:~.HO)c::1taE 30mm F3.5 Macrol 1.-0:;(0)BJl:QC<:1J 18lin/ 5o:IAUTO'E- t-'Uco:IEIIIJ!'t:±ll!!~~'l" / -3- 1-'?=:J. r Jvl!!l\;!Dij1gli1:f9o:ll'. -'to:l:f:flil~l'~:fg.m~NIDil'!::±lot~iie!llo:Qij1gt> . -lllliD75·yy:J.I ;:Jll~t e<: nc:L 10 x = :J. ? Jv7 5 ';J y :J.!Iil!tll\\im;;;o1~ -::> C: IIUt 9 :Qij1 g l :11i~~ l ;::tJ L Lili:±l;;;ol!!lt>Lc:~:±lliliH9'~li!~IE1llt(m)' ' ': +2/3 : + 1/3 :0.09 5 0. 098 0.159• 7::t-1JAI IJ J70)rt:JI;:'i.e~O)/Rtd::QnO)b\5H!C ':) "'(l.,)Q~i§,:;:t- 1--/~ - tJACt:Y l--b'\3'L,)(;:(l.,\LC:ti'il!5t:><~ev. :t:J>'50J!Il1WiiiBJlii'~<2Ji:o''c'c>= . ft~t<>7:t-:t:J7'E - ~!;'il!lv cE 10mm E SO•nmi!ti~=B(%J.:8) e-3 5 Macro Fl 8 OSSSEL30M35l SEL50F1845 75jffj~;B(~.g) Sonn ;r T * E 2' Fl i:i ?ASEL21FI8Z36*' <::<:"CC7l35mm'i'J WI JI!<2ieillll APS - Ct:T-1'Alil ~C7JJilitlrH'~JllliL.,/cl.>/All:W!it7'V?Iv:t:J>'5cC7Jfi!!'l!'i£l_,., filllii!!!Jiei!I!C::I Sllli"i'it:fcO)ie1!l'l!'O., 0/-vv? - ::Zt:'- ~(Jil~'l'ei't'ICJ;t)l\1)d:0)"ft'l'it'¥7UlllilEI• U/AC7lii!III\ICJ: :::> C::l Jl!!illilii!IO)Jl'(ti Cf#::> nt.-::1ieillll:>'ll'it90\!li'ib'il!5t:Jil'9. oci!I1)!J\.-::ieilllb'l!l\~ill!cOJlE~co.15Jllll'i11E 30mm F3.5 Macro(SEL30M35) :uY7:(1l . uY7: 7 o:.; H'1' '"::ten.u/ :l: Ui"''l'-1' 'Y7(1 l . u/ 7: 7- t-' * (1 ) .EP~U'I11-it* :$:~1;:~fj-E SOmm Fl.S 055(5ELSOF18) :u/7:(1). uY7:7o:.; ~'l'-v':J7(1).L!Y7: 1Ji"''l'-1' v7(1). u/7:7- H 1).Ell~U~ill-itSonnarT* E 24mm F1.8 ZA(SEL24F18Z) :u / 7 (1 ) , L!Y 7: 70Y ~"'"" v7(1l.uY 7: 1Jt''l'-v ':J7(1l. u/7:7- r: c1 ) .7-A(1).EPliU'I11-it1±msJo Cll:~IDt.::lbriStrcb'iiDIJ :fob'. 27~< tce<:L '·u;mm;wThis instructio n ma nu al explains how to use le nses.Precautions common to all lenses such as notes on usea re fo und in the sepa rate " Precautio ns befo re using". Besu re to r ead bot h doc um ents before us in g your len s.This manua l is for several differe nt lenses.Th e E 30 mm F3.5 Macro and E 50mm Fl. 8 O SS aredesigned fo r So ny a came ra syst em E-mo un t camera s.Th e Son nar T * E 24 mm Fl. B ZA was developed jointlyby Ca rl Zeiss and Sony Co rp oration and designed fo r Son y£- mo unt cameras. T his lens is produ ced un de r the strictsta ndar ds and quality assurance system of Carl Zeiss.Yo u ca nn ot use it o n A-m ou nt cameras.• The illust ra t io ns in this manual show theE 30mm F3.5 Macrolens unless otherwise stated.Notes on Use• When carrying a camera with the lens a tt ached, alv.'ays fi rmlyhold both the camera and the lensPrecautions on using a flash• When using a flas h, always remove the lens hood and sh ootat least I m (3.3 feet) a wa y from your subject. With certaincombinations oflens and flash, the le ns may part ia ll y blockthe light of the fl ash, resulting in a shadow at the bottom ofthe picture.Vignetting• · \Nhen using th e le ns, the corners of the screen become dar ke rthan the ce nter. To reduce this phenomena (called vignetting),do se th e aperture by l to 2 stops.riJ Identifying the PartsI Lens ho od ind ex2 Fo cus ing ring3 Lens conta ct s•4 Mo unting index• Do not tou ch the lens contacts.GJ Attaching and Detaching the LensTo attach the lens(See illustration GJ-[].)1 Remove the rear and front lens caps and thecamera body cap .• You can attach/detach the front lens cap in two ways, ( 1)an d(2 ).2 Align the white index on the lens barrel withthe white index on the camera (mountingindex), then insert the lens into the cameramount and rotate it clockwise until it locks.• Do not press the lens release button on the cameta whenmo unting the le ns.• Do not mount t he lens at an angle.To remove the lens(See illustration GJ-[2].)While holding down the lens release button onthe camera, rotate the lens counterclockwiseuntil it stops, then detach the lens.