3-1 Connecting External EquipmentChapter 3 Setting Up the VTR3-2 Chapter 3 Setting Up the VTR3-2 Set-Up MenuThe set-up menu contains the settings changed most often, such as positionand type of the characters superimposed on the output to the monitor.This section describes the items that require setting for operations.For details on other items not described in this manual, refer to the MaintenanceManual Part 1.3-2-1 Items That Require Setting for OperationsThe items that require setting for operations are shown in the table below.The value enclosed in a box is the factory setting.Item number Item FunctionSettable rangeItems that require setting for operationsCHARACTERH-POSITION002 (DVW-522)002 (DVW-522P) CHARACTERH-POSITIONCHARACTERV-POSITION003 a) (DVW-522)003 a) (DVW-522P) CHARACTERV-POSITION005 DISPLAYINFORMATIONSELECT00l[14]l2400l[12]l2200l[56]l6A00l[6A]l81Sets the horizontal screen position of the superimposedcharacters. A hexadecimal value of 00 indicates the far left of thescreen, and 22 (decimal 34) the far right. Increasing the valuemoves the starting position to the right.Sets the horizontal screen position of the superimposedcharacters. A hexadecimal value of 00 indicates the far left of thescreen, and 24 (decimal 36) the far right. Increasing the valuemoves the starting position to the right.Sets the vertical screen position of the first line of superimposedcharacters. A hexadecimal value of 00 indicates the top of thescreen, and 6A (decimal 106) the bottom. Increasing the valuelowers the position of the characters.Sets the vertical screen position of the first line of superimposedcharacters. A hexadecimal value of 00 indicates the top of thescreen, and 81 (decimal 129) the bottom. Increasing the valuelowers the position of the characters.Determines the kind of information to be displayed assuperimposed characters.0: Time counter display information and VTR status.1: Time counter display information and user’s bits.2: Time counter display information and CTL.3: Time counter display information and time code (LTC or VITC).4: Time code (LTC or VITC) only.5: “R” (replay) is displayed during DT playback mode.[0]12345TAPE TIMERDISPLAY007 [0]1Determines whether the CTL counter should display a 12-hour or24-hour clock.0: 12-hour clock.1: 24-hour clock.009 CHARACTERTYPE[0]123Determines the type of superimposed characters.0: White letters on a black background.1: Black letters on a white background.2: White outline letters.3: Black outline letters.a) As the displayed time code data may be delayed by one frame when inserted in the upper half of the picture due to delay ofits display, you must be careful in case of dubbing an off-line editing tape.