Sony DCR-TRV940 Supplemental Instructions
Also see for DVCAM DSR-PDX10: User manualOperating instructionsService manual
IIKKEELLIITTEE VVIIDDEEOO CCAASSEESSUUPPPPLLEEMMEENNTTAALL IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS FFOORR##66003377..9955 SSoonnyy DDCCRR--TTRRVV994400DDRRCC--TTRRVV995500,, DDSSRR--PPDDXX1100This supplemental set of instructions describes additional features specific to yourhousing model. Prior to testing the system in the water, please read this supplementalong with the general instruction manual to become familiar with its features andfunctions.Ikelite Video Cases are slightly negative in salt water for stability. This housing hasbeen water pressure tested at the factory and has a working depth of 60m (200').HHOOUUSSIINNGG CCOONNTTRROOLLSS________________________________________________________________________________________________________________• Power On/Off• Exec Dial• Start/Stop• Focus Switch• Power Zoom / Image• Shutter Speed• Manual Focus• White Balance• Photo / Image Reversing• Exposure• Circuit On/OffMMAAIINN OO--RRIINNGG ##00110099______________________________________________________________________________________________________O-rings last several years if properly maintained. Control seals should not needto be replaced as long as the control shafts are kept clean and lightly lubricated.LensPortBaseBottom BarMirrorShutterSpeedWhiteBalanceExposureOn/OffExecDialEyeportPhoto / LCD Monitor On/OffFocus SwitchStart/StopPower ZoomManualFocusSony TRV950PP RR EE PP AA RR AA TT II OO NNPPAACCKKAAGGEEDD WWIITTHH HHOOUUSSIINNGG__________________________________________________________________________________________________• Wide Angle Lens 0.5x• External UR/Pro Color Filter• Silicone LubricantLLEENNSS IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN______________________________________________________________________________________________________Clean the camera lens and all lens accessories with lens cleaner and lens tissue. Lensthreads are very fine; DO NOT cross thread. All accessories should screw on very easily.If it is difficult to turn, you are cross threading.Unscrew the lens hood from the camera lens. Carefully thread the wide-angle lenson the camera.CCOOLLOORR FFIILLTTEERR__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The installation and usage of the external UR/Pro color filter is described in thegeneral instruction manual.SSUUPPEERR--EEYYEE VVIIEEWWFFIINNDDEERR______________________________________________________________________________________________See exactly what the camera sees underwater using the camera's electronicviewfinder in conjunction with the Ikelite Super-Eye, which is permanently mounted inthe eyeport on the clear back plate. The Super-Eye extends the viewfinder image toprovide enhanced viewing underwater.Extend the camera's viewfinder half-way to the rear position. When the back plateis secured to the housing, the camera's viewfinder will be pushed forward slightly whileremaining as close as possible to the Super-Eye.LLCCDD MMOONNIITTOORR__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The camera's LCD monitor can be viewed from the rear of the housing, using theexternal mirror featured on the side of the housing.Open the LCD monitor on the camera, rotate 180°, and then press it back againstthe side of the camera. The external mirror is hinged so that it can be opened to reflectthe image from the camera's LCD monitor for viewing from the rear of the housing.During transportation, please remember to close the mirror by pressing it againstthe side of the housing.BBAATTTTEERRYY AANNDD TTAAPPEE________________________________________________________________________________________________________Install a fully charged Sony battery on the camera:Sony NP-FM30, Sony NP-FM50, Sony NP-FM70Other brand batteries may not fit inside the housing. If the battery selectedoverhangs the camera tray, then the battery is too large and will cause the housingto leak.Make sure you have loaded an appropriate digital cassette tape in the camera.External Color FilterWide Angle LensVideo Eye |
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