DCR-HC1000US ModelCanadian ModelKorea ModelJapanese ModelDCR-HC1000EAEP ModelUK ModelEast European ModelAustralian ModelChinese ModelDCR-HC1000/HC1000EE ModelTourist ModelSERVICE MANUALDIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA RECORDERLEVEL 2• For ADJUSTMENTS (SECTION 6), refer to SERVICE MANUAL, ADJ (9-876-752-51).• For INSTRUCTION MANUAL, refer to SERVICE MANUAL, LEVEL 1 (9-876-752-41). (EXCEPT J MODEL)• For MECHANISM ADJUSTMENTS, refer to the “DV MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT MANUALZ (Z200) MECHANISM ” (EXCEPT J: 9-876-724-11) (J: 9-876-724-01).• Reference number search on printed wiring boards is available.• TO TAKE OUT A CASSETTE WHEN NOT EJECT (FORCE EJECT)LinkSERVICE NOTEDISASSEMBLYBLOCK DIAGRAMSFRAME SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSPRINTED WIRING BOARDSREPAIR PARTS LISTSPECIFICATIONSSERVICE NOTEDISASSEMBLYBLOCK DIAGRAMSFRAME SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSPRINTED WIRING BOARDSREPAIR PARTS LISTSPECIFICATIONSLinkRevision HistoryRevision HistoryVer 1.2 2005. 06On the DB-017 board and VC-366 boardThis service manual provides the information that is premised the circuit board replacement service and not intended repairinside the DB-017 board and VC-366 board.Therefore, schematic diagram, printed wiring board, waveforms, mounted parts location and electrical parts list of the DB-017board and VC-366 board are not shown.The following pages are not shown.Mounted parts location .......................... Pages 4-117 to 4-119Electrical parts list ................................ Pages 5-25 to 5-36Photo : DCR-HC1000How to useAcrobat ReaderHow to useAcrobat ReaderSchematic diagram ............................. Pages 4-37 to 4-78Printed wiring board ............................ Pages 4-107 to 4-114Sony EMCS Co.2005F1600-1©2005.6Published by DI Technical Support Department9-876-752-31DCR-HC1000/HC1000ERMT-831Z (Z200) MECHANISMDCR-HC1000/HC1000E