SERVICE MANUAL LEVEL 2LinkSERVICE NOTEDISASSEMBLYBLOCK DIAGRAMSFRAME SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSPRINTED WIRING BOARDSADJUSTMENTSREPAIR PARTS LISTSPECIFICATIONSSERVICE NOTEDISASSEMBLYBLOCK DIAGRAMSFRAME SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSPRINTED WIRING BOARDSADJUSTMENTSREPAIR PARTS LISTSPECIFICATIONSLinkRevision HistoryRevision HistoryDSC-P9On the JK-226, JK-227, SY-77 boardsThis service manual procides the information that is premisedthe circuit board replacement service and not intended repairinside the JK-226, JK-227, SY-77 boards.Therefore, schematic diagram, printed wiring board andelectrical parts list of the JK-226, JK-227, SY-77 boards are notshown.The following pages are not shown.SY-77 boardSchematic diagram ......................... Pages 4-9 to 4-28Printed wiring board ........................ Pages 4-43 to 4-46Electrical parts list ........................... Pages 6-9 to 6-13JK-226, JK-227 boardsSchematic diagram ......................... Pages 4-33 to 4-34Printed wiring board ........................ Pages 4-49 to 4-50Electrical parts list ........................... Pages 6-6The above-described information is shown in servicemanual Level 3.• For INSTRUCTION MANUAL, refer to SERVICE MANUAL, LEVEL 1 (992997341.pdf).• This service manual contains information for Japanese model as well.• Note in Lens Frame Installation.US ModelCanadian ModelAEP ModelUK ModelE ModelHong Kong ModelAustralian ModelChinese ModelKorea ModelTourist ModelJapanese ModelVer 1.0 2002. 04DIGITAL STILL CAMERA