DSC-S500Cyber-shot® Digital Still CameraAn amazing combination value, simplicity and performance makes the Sony® Cyber-shot® DSC-S500 a perfect entry-levelchoice for first-time digital photographers. Advanced features place it at the head of its class: 6.0 MP resolution for tight cropsand big prints, a quality 3X Optical zoom and wide-angle shooting capability, a large 2.4” LCD screen for setting up shots andsharing results, 25 MB Internal Memory for capturing images in-camera and high-capacity up to 350-shot Stamina® powerwith optional NiMH rechargeable battery.21 36.0 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCDMore megapixels give you more detailand definition when you make bigprints or crop in tight on yoursubject. The Sony advanced SuperHAD® (Hole Accumulated Diode) CCDdesign allows more light to pass toeach pixel, increasing sensitivity andreducing noise.3X Optical/2X Digital Zoom3X Optical Zoom helps the DSC-S500bring distant subjects closer and letsyou frame shots for bettercomposition; the Sony precision 2XDigital Zoom provides an additional2X magnification to zoom in closewithout jagged edges.Capture Images In-CameraWith 25 MB Internal Memory, theDSC-S500 allows you to shootwithout using a memory card -- theneasily transfer your images tooptional Memory Stick Duo™ media,upload photos to your computer ormake prints on your digital printer.1Large 2.4” 2 LCD ScreenThe DSC-S500 gives you a big, brightLCD screen for reading cameramenus, composing shots, checkingresults and sharing your photos onlocation.Convenient Photo ModesTo adjust quickly for specificshooting situations, the DSC-S500lets you choose from severalconvenient photo modes: Auto, P-Auto, and Scene Selections forTwilight, Twilight Portrait, Landscape,Soft Snap, Candle, and Beachenvironments.QVGA Movie ModeThe DSC-S500 can capture 320 x 240audio/video clips at high frame rate(up to 30 frames per second), withlength limited only by the capacity ofyour media.Burst ModeYou can fire off three shotsautomatically at 1-second intervals(VGA standard mode) or 2-secondintervals (6 MP mode) -- a great way tocapture a child’s first steps or a pet’sbest tricks.Stamina® Battery PowerWith optional Sony NiMHrechargeable batteries, you cancapture up to an amazing 350 shots-- shooting capacity that’s aboutthe equivalent of 10 rolls of 35mmfilm. With supplied AA alkalinebatteries, the DSC-S500 can captureup to 60 shots .33Memory Stick Duo™ MediaConvenienceThe DSC-S500 has a built-in slot foroptional Memory Stick Duo™ media --the compact, high-capacity storagemedia that are compatible withmillions of devices worldwide.Cyber-shot Viewer SoftwareSony’s new software that makes iteasier to upload images from cameraor Memory Stick Duo™ media -- thenorganize and browse throughphotos on your PC screen by simplyscrolling through thumbnail images.