DSC-S2100/B Cyber-shot® Digital Still CameraNEW A large 3.0” LCD makes taking and viewing pictures easy with the DSC-S2100. With 12MP resolutionand 3x zoom great shots can be taken from greater distances plus enjoy the convenience of AAbattery operation. Features including Easy mode, iAuto and SteadyShot™ make it easy to capturegreat images in various conditions.112.1 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCDImage SensorA powerful 12.1 megapixel 1/2.3” SuperHAD™ CCD image sensor helps youcapture gorgeous images with superbcontrast and clarity down to the finestdetail. With 12.1 megapixels, you cancreate stunning, photo-quality prints upto A3 size, or crop your images and stillcome away with high resolution shots.3.0” Clear Photo LCD™ display (230kpixels)Generous 3.0” (230K pixels) ClearPhoto LCD™ displayfeatures sharp, natural color that makesit easy to compose shots, read menus,and view photos, even in brightsunlight.11Intelligent (iAuto) Auto ModeUnlike traditional auto mode, IntelligentAuto (iAuto) mode thinks for you,recognizing scenes, lighting conditions,faces, and adjusts settings resultingclear images, faces with natural skintone and less blur. Take advantage ofall the technology without leaving Automode. Take a picture from a kid on theplayground, to landscape shots, to abeautiful flower or an indoor birthdayparty. All clear images without leavingauto mode.Intelligent Scene Recognition (iSCN)ModeIntelligent Scene Recognition (iSCN)Mode automatically detects ninedifferent types of scenes and, within just1/30th of a second, selects theappropriate camera settings: Backlight,Backlight Portrait, Twilight, TwilightPortrait, Portrait, Landscape and Macro.Steady Shot Image StabilizationSteadyShot™ image stabilizationcompensates for camera shake andhelps prevent blur by capturing twophotos at high shutter speeds andcombining them into a single clearimage.TMHigh Sensitivity Mode (ISO 3200)High ISO allows for faster shutter speed,so you can take photos indoors or inlow light without the need for a flash. Inaddition to High Sensitivity Mode (ISO),you can select up to seven ISO settings(Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200)when shooting in Program Auto Modeto adjust sensitivity to your shootingconditions.Face Detection technologyFace Detection technology detects upto eight individual faces and adjustsfocus, exposure, and flash to helpdeliver crisp, properly lit images offamily and friends.Smile Shutter™ technologySmile Shutter™ technology captures asmile the moment it happens. Simplypress the Smile Shutter™ button and thecamera does the rest. Intelligent SceneRecognition can now be used togetherwith Smile Shutter™ mode when theIntelligent Auto mode is on. This meansthat beautiful smiles can be capturedwith settings optimized for the particularscene, even in difficult conditions suchas twilight and backlighting.Scene ModesThe DSC-S2100 features 8 convenientscene modes: High Sensitivity /Twilight / Twilight Portrait / Soft Snap /Landscape / Beach / Snow / GourmetEasy Shooting ModeWith Easy Shooting Mode, evenbeginners can take great photos. InEasy Shooting Mode, easy-to-understand basic instructions aredisplayed on the LCD screen and thecamera switches to all automaticsettings, removing several functionchoices and allowing you to focus onjust your subject. Since this mode workstogether with Intelligent SceneRecognition, the camera selects theoptimum setting for each scene. Inaddition the easy mode simplifiespreview mode.In-Camera Retouching Tools:Retouch and enhance your photos onthe go with in-camera Trimming andRed-Eye Correction functions.AA Battery OperationOperates on AA batteries for convenientreplacement (capacity of 170 imagesor 85 minutes for shooting still images).Card SlotCard slot for optional Memory StickDuo™ media and SD media6Includes Sony PMB (Picture MotionBrowser) Software ver. 5.0Sony Picture Motion Browser softwareoffers a simple, intuitive way to transfer,sort, and view your video and stillimages on your compatible PC. Inaddition, multiple output options letyou burn your memories to DVD (soldseparately), as well as take advantageof one click upload to a number ofpopular video and photo sharingsites.22Includes Sony PMB Portable softwareWith the pre-installed Picture MotionBrowser (PMB) Portable software theDSC-S2100 makes it easy to pre-selectvideos and images in the camera andconveniently upload them from thecamera to a compatible PC andpopular Internet sharing sites without theneed for any additional software orinstall.335Colors AvailableThe Cyber-shot® DSC-S2100 camera isavailable in silver, orange and black.