3-5ROUTING SWITCHER SYSTEM (E)SONY ROUTING SYSTEM SETUP MENU DVS-V1616 V3.00 STATION NUMBER 9MODIFICATION COMMANDA: SET UNIT LOCATION K: DEFAULT TABLEMAINTENANCE COMMANDY: DISPLAY TABLECtrl-D:RETURNSONY ROUTING SYSTEM SETUP MENU DVS-V6464B V2.10 STATION NUMBER 2MODIFICATION COMMANDA: SET UNIT LOCATION G: UPDATE BACKUP CONTROLLERK: RESET TO DEFAULT TABLE M: SET MONITOR FUNCTIONU: SELECT REMOTE PROTOCOLMAINTENANCE COMMANDV: DISPLAY UNIT STATUS Y: DISPLAY TABLE DATAZ: SELECT SDI FORMATCtrl-D:RETURN3-4. Menu Screen3-4-2. Menu screen of the secondary stationTo call the menu screen of the secondary station, select menu item [R: CALL SECONDARY STATION]in the primary station menu and input the secondary station number.To set the secondary station function of the routing switcher used as the primary station, input “1” as thesecondary station number.The screen will return to the menu screen of the primary station when [Ctrl] _ [D] is pressed.nWhen the secondary station menu is called, the color function will become ineffective, even if [S: SE-LECT INDICATION COLOR] has been selected to “ON”.(1) Routing switcher1 DVS-V1616Menu Screen of the Secondary Station (Ex. DVS-V1616)2 DVS-V3232B/V6464B, BKPF-R70Menu Screen of the Secondary Station (Ex. DVS-V6464B)