1-27 (E)1-9-1. DME-3000Slot No. Standard boards Optional boards (Model name)1 CPU-114 –––2 ––– –––3 MPU-70 MPU-72(BKDM-3030) with MPU-80(BKDM-7031)4 ––– WKG-13(BKDM-3040) with WKG-16(BKDM-7041)5 ––– CMB-1(BKDM-3050)6 ––– –––7 ––– KPC-2(BKDM-3060)8 DPR-35 –––9 ––– VIF-9A(BKDM-3020)VIF-6A(BKDM-3021)VIF-9(BKDM-3022)VIF-6(BKDM-3023)n• Insert the appropriate I/O board for your system in slot 9. By inserting one of the four available I/Oboards you can switch between component and composite modes.• When using a component mode, make the appropriate settings for the “525/625” and “4:3/16:9”switches in the BKDM-3010 SYSTEM menu.• For connecting procedures of the MPU-70 board and MPU-72 board, the MPU-72 board and MPU-80board, the WKG-13 board and WKG-16 board, refer to the section 1-10.1-9. Installation of Standard Boards123456789Slot No.CPU-114 boardNot usedMPU-70 board alone orMPU-70 board with (MPU-72 board) orMPU-70 board with (MPU-72 board)and (MPU-80 board)(WKG-13 board) alone or(WKG-13 board) with (WKG-16 board)(CMB-1 board)Not used(KPC-2 board)DPR-35 boardOne of (VIF-6 board), (VIF-6A board), (VIF-9 board),(VIF-9A board)Note:1. The boards shown by ( ) mark are optional boards.2. (Line) : Standard board.(Dotted line) : Optional board.Front viewhttp://getMANUAL.com