7ML19985FH04 SITRANS LR 400 – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Page 92Appendix VAppendix VHART Communications for the SITRANS LR 400Highway Addressable Remote Transducer, HART, is an industrial protocol that rides ontop of a 4-20 mA signal. It is an open standard, and full details about HART can beobtained from the HART Communication Foundation www.hartcomm.orgThe SITRANS LR 400 can be configured over the HART network using either the HARTCommunicator 275 by Fisher-Rosemount, or a software package. There are a number ofdifferent software packages available, and the SITRANS LR 400 should work well withany of them. The recommended software package is the SIMATIC® Process DeviceManager (PDM) by Siemens.HART Device Descriptor (DD)In order to configure a HART device, the configurator must have the HART DeviceDescriptor for the unit in question. HART DDs are controlled by the HARTCommunications Foundation. The HART DD for the SITRANS LR 400 is available on theSITRANS LR 400 page of our website at www.siemens.com/milltronics.Older versions of the library will have to be updated in order to use all the features in theSITRANS LR 400. If you do not see SITRANS LR 400 under Siemens Milltronics using theconfigurator, you will need to download an update file from our website:www.siemens.com/milltronicsSIMATIC Process Device Manager (PDM):This software package is designed to permit easy configuration, monitoring andtroubleshooting of HART and PROFIBUS PA devices. The HART DD for the SITRANSLR 400 was written with SIMATIC PDM in mind and has been extensively tested with thissoftware. The HART DD for the SITRANS LR 400 is available on the SITRANS LR 400 pageof our website at www.siemens.com/milltronics.