Page 47 SITRANS LR 400 – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7ML19985FH04Parameters (HART) Auto False Echo Suppression Distance (F = 2/3 tankheight)Defines the end point of the auto false echo suppression distance4.2.3.A: Hover Level (F = 40%)Defines (in percent) how high the TVT (Time Varying Threshold) curve is placed above theprofile, relative to the largest echo. When SITRANS LR 400 is located in the center of thevessel, lower this parameter to prevent multiple echo detections.4.2.3.B: Window Trigger (F = 80%)Defines the position of the window on the leading edge of the selected echo, relative tothe amplitude. Used only on Silo1 and Silo2 applications (see Application Type onpage 35).4.2.4: Level Parameter4.2.4.1: Level URV (F = 20 m)Full scale of level (see Functional Dimensions on page 33)Set the URV as the level above the bottom of the vessel (see Functional Dimensions onpage 33) in the units system selected with Parameter 4.1.1. It corresponds to an outputcurrent of 20 mA. Level LRV (F = 0 m)Empty scale of level (see Functional Dimensions on page 33)Set the LRV as the level above the bottom of the vessel (see Functional Dimensions onpage 33) in the units system selected with Parameter 4.1.1. It corresponds to an outputcurrent of 4 mA.Value variableValues Range: 0 to 100%Values Range: 0 to 100%Value numerical valueNote: This parameter is also set using Parameter 1.5 (Level URV).Value numerical valueNote: This parameter is also set using Parameter 1.6 (Level LRV).