7ML19985FH03 SITRANS LR 400 ñ INSTRUCTION MANUAL Page 41Parameters (HART)If the display does not follow the level height continuously but in abrupt jumps, you shouldchoose a higher filling speed. If multiple echoes are indicated during filling/emptying avessel, select a lower filling speed. In the case of very low filling speeds (a few mm/min)switch off Parameter If different filling/emptying speeds occur, select the higherspeed. Failsafe Level (F = Hold Continuously)Selects the default measurement in the event that the failsafe timer expires4.2.2.8: Failsafe Timer (F = 10 min)Sets the time delay, in minutes, before entering failsafe levelThe failsafe timer begins when there is a loss of echo condition. This loss of echocondition will occur when there is no signal available above the Auto False EchoSuppression threshold as defined in Parameter Range Extension (F = 3 m)Sets the amount of range extension as measured from the tank height and extendingbeyond the measurement range. For vessels with conical or parabolic bottoms, you mayneed to increase this value to ensure an empty vessel reads empty.4.2.3: Sensor ParameterHere you can view and change the sensor parameters which you have selectedaccording to Parameter 4.2.2.Value100 %0 %Hold ContinuouslyValue 1 min2 min, etc.Value numericalNote: The factory settings for the user vessels are not editable.