13 12.98 Additional Functions13.4 EG: Electronic gear (SW 5 and higher) 13840DNCU 571840DNCU 572NCU 573FM-NC 810D 840Di Siemens AG 2000. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Programming Guide Advanced (PGA) – 04.00 Edition 13-44313.4.2 Activate electronic gearThere are two variants for the activation command:• Variant 1:The EG axis grouping is activated selectivelywithout synchronization with:EGON(FA, "Block change mode", LA1, Z1,N1, LA2 , Z2, N2,..LA5, Z5, N5.)ExplanationFA Following axisBlock change mode The following modes can be used:"NOC" Immediate block change"FINE" Block change occurs at"Synchronization fine""COARSE" Block change occurs at"Synchronization coarse""IPOSTOP" Block change occurs atsetpoint synchronization runLA1, ... LA5 Leading axesZ1, ... Z5 Counter for coupling factor iN1, ... N5 Denominator for coupling factor iCoupling factor i = Counter i / Denominator iIt is only permissible to program the leading axeswhich have previously been specified with EGDEF.At least one leading axis must be programmed.The positions of the leading axes and following axisat the time of activation are saved as "synchronizedpositions". The "synchronized positions" can be readvia system variable $AA_EG_SYN.• Variant 2:The EG axis grouping is activated selectively withsynchronization with:EGONSYN(FA, "Block change mode", SynPosFA,[, LAi, SynPosLAi, Zi, Ni])