6 Frames 12.986.1 Coordinate transformation via frame variables 6840DNCU 571840DNCU 572NCU 573FM-NC 810D 840Di Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved6-194 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Programming Guide Advanced (PGA) − 04.00 Edition$P_IFRAMECurrent, settable frame variable that establishes thereference between the basic origin system (BOS)and the settable zero system (SZS).$P_IFRAME corresponds to $P_UIFR[$P_IFRNUM]After G54 is programmed, for example, $P_IFRAMEcontains the translation, rotation, scaling andmirroring defined by G54.Z BOSYBOSX BOSSZSSZSSZSZXY$P_PFRAMECurrent, programmable frame variable thatestablishes the reference between the settable zerosystem (SZS) and the workpiece coordinate system(WCS).$P_PFRAME contains the frame resulting from theprogramming of TRANS/ATRANS, ROT/AROT,SCALE/ASCALE, MIRROR/AMIRROR or theassignment of CTRANS, CROT, CMIRROR,CSCALE to the programmable FRAME.Z BOSYX BOSZXZSZSSZSWCSWCSWCSXSZS BOSYY$P_ACTFRAMECurrent total frame resulting from chaining of thecurrent base frame variable $P_BFRAME, the currentsettable frame variable $P_IFRAME and the currentprogrammable frame variable $P_PFRAME.$P_ACTFRAME describes the currently validworkpiece zero.If $P_IFRAME, $P_BFRAME or $P_PFRAME arechanged, $P_ACTFRAME is recalculated.$P_ACTFRAME corresponds to$P_BFRAME:$P_IFRAME:$P_PFRAMEZ BNSYX BNSZ ZYXYXENSENSWKSWKSENS BNSWKSX BKSZ BKS