Contents - Preface
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Fundamental safety instructions
- Fundamental Geometrical Principles
- Polar coordinates
- Absolute dimensions
- Incremental dimension
- Working planes
- Zero points and reference points
- Tool change
- Coordinate systems
- Basic coordinate system (BCS)
- Coordinate transformations
- Tables
- Workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
- What is the relationship between the various coordinate systems
- Fundamental Principles of NC Programming
- Structure and contents of an NC program
- Block rules
- Value assignments
- Skipping blocks
- Creating an NC program
- Available characters
- Spindle motion
- Program examples
- Example 2: NC program for turning
- Example 3: NC program for milling
- Tool change with M6
- Tool change with tool management (option)
- Tool change with T command with active tool management (option)
- Tool change with M6 with active tool management (option)
- Behavior with faulty T programming
- Tool offsets
- Tool radius compensation
- Tool compensation memory
- Tool types
- Drills
- Grinding tools
- Turning tools
- Special tools
- Chaining rule
- Change in the tool offset data
- Programmable tool offset (TOFFL, TOFF, TOFFR)
- Cutting rate (SVC)
- Constant cutting rate (G96/G961/G962, G97/G971/G972, G973, LIMS, SCC)
- Constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF)
- Programmable spindle speed limitation (G25, G26)
- Feed control
- Traverse positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC)
- Position-controlled spindle mode (SPCON, SPCOF)
- Positioning spindles (SPOS, SPOSA, M19, M70, WAITS)
- Feedrate for positioning axes / spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF)
- Programmable feedrate override (OVR, OVRRAP, OVRA)
- Programmable acceleration override (ACC) (option)
- Feedrate with handwheel override (FD, FDA)
- Feedrate optimization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)
- Several feedrate values in one block (F, ST, SR, FMA, STA, SRA)
- Non-modal feedrate (FB)
- Tooth feedrate (G95 FZ)
- Settable zero offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500, SUPA, G153)
- Selection of the working plane (G17/G18/G19)
- Dimensions
- Absolute dimensions (G90, AC)
- Incremental dimensions (G91, IC)
- Absolute and incremental dimensions for turning and milling (G90/G91)
- Absolute dimensions for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)
- Inch or metric dimensions (G70/G700, G71/G710)
- Channel-specific diameter/radius programming (DIAMON, DIAM90, DIAMOF DIAMCYCOF)
- Axis-specific diameter/radius programming (DIAMONA, DIAM90A, DIAMOFA DIACYCOFA, DIAMCHANA, DIAMCHAN, DAC, DIC, RAC, RIC)
- Position of workpiece for turning
- General information about the travel commands
- Travel commands with Cartesian coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, X..., Y
- Travel commands with polar coordinates
- Travel commands with polar coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, AP, RP)
- Rapid traverse motion (G0, RTLION, RTLIOF)
- Linear interpolation (G1)
- Circular interpolation
- Circular interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., I... J... K...)
- Circular interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z
- Circular interpolation with opening angle and center point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z.../ I... J K
- Circular interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP, RP)
- Circular interpolation with tangential transition (CT, X... Y
- Helical interpolation (G2/G3, TURN)
- Involute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)
- Contour definitions
- Contour definitions: One straight line
- Contour definitions: Two straight lines
- Contour definitions: Three straight lines
- Contour definitions: End point programming with angle
- Thread cutting
- Programmed run-in and run-out path (DITS, DITE)
- Thread cutting with increasing or decreasing lead (G34, G35)
- Fast retraction during thread cutting (LFON, LFOF, DILF, ALF, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS POLF, POLFMASK, POLFMLIN)
- Convex thread (G335, G336)
- Tapping
- Tapping with compensating chuck (G63)
- Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND, RNDM, FRC, FRCM)
- Tool radius compensation (G40, G41, G42, OFFN)
- Approaching and leaving contour (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)
- Compensation at the outside corners (G450, G451, DISC)
- Smooth approach and retraction
- Approach and retraction with extended retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462)
- Collision detection (CDON, CDOF, CDOF2)
- D tool compensation (CUT2D, CUT2DF)
- Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON, CUTCONOF)
- Tools with a relevant cutting edge position
- Exact stop (G60, G9, G601, G602, G603)
- Continuous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644, G645, ADIS, ADISPOS)
- Frames
- Frame instructions
- Programmable zero offset
- Axial zero offset (G58, G59)
- Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL)
- Programmable frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS)
- Programmable scaling factor (SCALE, ASCALE)
- Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR)
- Frame generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT)
- Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500)
- Deselecting overlaid movements (DRFOF, CORROF)
- Auxiliary function outputs
- M functions
- Supplementary commands
- Writing string in OPI variable (WRTPR)
- Working area limitation
- Working area limitation in WCS/SZS (WALCS0 ... WALCS10)
- Reference point approach (G74)
- Approaching a fixed point (G75)
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW)
- Dwell time (G4)
- Internal preprocessing stop
- Other information
- Special axes
- Channel axes
- Synchronized axes
- Command axes
- Lead link axes
- From travel command to machine movement
- Addresses
- Names
- Constants
- Operations: Availability for SINUMERIK 828D
- Fixed addresses
- Settable addresses
- G commands
- Predefined procedures
- Predefined procedures in synchronized actions
- Predefined functions
- Currently set language in the HMI
- A.1 List of abbreviations
- A.2 Documentation overview
- Glossary
- Index
Operation Type1)Meaning W 2) TP 3) SA 4) Description see 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) for explanations, see legend (Page 417).STRINGIS F Checks the present scope of NC language andthe NC cycle names, user variables, macros,and label names belonging specifically to thiscommand to establish whether these exist, arevalid, defined or active.+ - PGAslSTRLEN F Define string length + - PGAslSUBSTR F Define index of character in input string + - PGAslSUPA G Suppression of current zero offset, including pro‐grammed offsets, system frames, handwheeloffsets (DRF), external zero offset, and overlaidmovements + PGslSVC K Tool cutting rate m + PGslSYNFCT P Evaluation of a polynomial as a function of acondition in the motion-synchronous action- + FBSYslSYNR K The variable is read synchronously, i.e. at thetime of execution+ PGAslSYNRW K The variable is read and written synchronously,i.e. at the time of execution+ PGAslSYNW K The variable is written synchronously, i.e. at thetime of execution+ PGAslT O Call tool(only change if specified in machine data; other‐wise M6 command necessary)+ PGslTAN F Tangent (trigon. function) + + PGAslTANG P Definition of axis grouping tangential correction + - PGAslTANGDEL P Deletion of definition of axis grouping tangentialcorrection+ - PGAslTANGOF P Tangential correction OFF + - PGAslTANGON P Tangential correction ON + - PGAslTCA(828D: _TCA)P Tool selection/tool change irrespective of toolstatus+ - FBWslTCARR O Request toolholder (number "m") + PGAslTCI P Load tool from buffer into magazine + - FBWslTCOABS 6) G Determine tool length components from the cur‐rent tool orientationm + PGAslTCOFR G Determine tool length components from the ori‐entation of the active framem + PGAslTCOFRX G Determine tool orientation of an active frame onselection of tool, tool points in X directionm + PGAslTCOFRY G Determine tool orientation of an active frame onselection of tool, tool points in Y directionm + PGAslTCOFRZ G Determine tool orientation of an active frame onselection of tool, tool points in Z directionm + PGAslTHETA O Angle of rotation s + PGAslTILT O Tilt angle m + PGAslTables17.1 OperationsFundamentalsProgramming Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5398-1BP40-5BA2 413 PreviousNext |