840D/828D SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B503B503NotesSection 4Rapid traverse motionCode G01The straight line interpolation is used to move the tool with an exactly de-fined speed along a straight line from the current position to the pro-grammed destination point.All axes can be traversed simultaneously, in which case the resulting lineof motion can lie anywhere at an angle within the working space. For thisthe control unit requires a specified feed rate which at the latest must bedefined under the address “F” in the block containing the Code G01.The following example describes the milling of a slot with absolute dimen-sioning as per the drawing A shown below..Programming example: Explanation:N10 T1 ; End mill Tool call-up T1N20 M6N30 G94 F300 S2000 M3 D1 Technology block for the tool T1with the cutting edge D1,N40 G90 G00 X40 Y48 Z2 M8 With rapid traverse to the starting po-sition P1 on the safety plane (absolutedimensions),N50 G01 Z-12 Plunging with feed rate,N60 X20 Y18 Z-10 Milling the slot in 3 axes (G01 ismodally active),N70 Z2 F1000 Retraction with increased feed rateN80 G00 Z200N90 M30The following program extract shows the milling of the same slot using in-cremental dimensioning: (up to N40 see above.)….N50 G91 G01 Z-14 Infeed along Z by –14 mm,N60 G01 X-20 Y-30 Z2 Incremental traversing of the axesN70 G90 Z2 F1000 Retraction with absolute dimensionsN80 G00 Z200N90 M304.1 Straight line interpolation