840D/828D SINUMERIK OperateNotes4.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2Display area DescriptionThe VSK 1.1 “Select tool” opens the tool manage-ment area (tool list) of ShopTurn in the operatingarea “Parameter”.Here you can select an existing tool or create a newone. By pressing the VSK 1.1 “To program” you caninsert the selected tool data into the G code pro-gram.By pressing the VSK 1.3 “Search“ you can searchfor any text in the current program.A search window opens where you can enter asearch string.You can continue searching afterwards (see section4.3).By pressing the VSK 1.4 “Mark” you can mark one toseveral program blocks in order to copy or cut(delete) them.By pressing the VSK 1.5 “Copy” you can copy one toseveral program blocks to the internal memory of thecontrol, to paste them to a different location in theactive program or to another program.By pressing the VSK 1.6 “Paste“ copied programcode can be inserted anywhere into the active pro-gram, or into another program on a different location.The pasted program code will be inserted under theprogram block marked with the orange selection cur-sor in the work plan. You can paste the code to theactive program, as well as to another program on theNC, local drive or USB-drive.By pressing the VSK 1.7 “Cut”, you can cut out oneto several program blocks, to paste them later some-where in a program or to delete them (see VSK 1.6“Paste“).By pressing the VSK 1.8 “Extend“ the extended ver-tical softkey bar 2, with the following functions, willbe displayed.By pressing the VSK 2.3 “Renumbering” you canassign new numbers for every program step in theeditor window. Select the first block number to startand then the increment (see section 4.4).By pressing the VSK 2.6 “Settings“ you can changethe setting for the program editor (see section 4.5).By pressing the VSK 2.7 “Exit” you close the editorwith the active program.By pressing the VSK 2.8 “Back“ you switch back tothe vertical softkey bar 1.Section 4Edit