Fail-safe function blocks for storage and retrieval machinesS7-Distributed Safety/SIMATIC Safety - fail-safe function blocks for storage and retrieval machines - 3-23 -3.4 SCALE_DINT function3.4.1 IntroductionFunction SCALE_DINT scales a 32-bit DINT value, which is read from the process image, to a 16-bitINT value. The 32-bit value corresponds to a raw sensor value, which is supplied from a standard I/Omodule, the 16 bit represents this encoder value in the SLU unit.The parameter from which the peripheral address should be read as well as the scaling factor aredefined in the safety program using the F_SCALE_DINT block.3.4.2 Connections3.4.2.1 InputsName Data type DescriptionI_DB_F_SCALE PointerInstance DB No. of the associated F_SCALE_DINTblockA pointer to the I-DB of the F_SCALE_DINT block in thesafety program is parameterized at this input. The parame-terizing data for the scaling are read from this I-DB. OutputsName Data type DescriptionOUT1 WordIntermediate result 1A bit memory word is interconnected at this output. Usingthis output, the value of the standard I/O module, scaled toSLU is transferred, coded to the corresponding input ofblock F_SCALE_DINT in the safety program.OUT2 WordIntermediate result 2A bit memory word is interconnected at this output. Usingthis output, the value of the standard I/O module, scaled toSLU is transferred, coded to the corresponding input ofblock F_SCALE_DINT in the safety program.NoteOUT1 and OUT2 are coded differently, the identical bit memory word cannot beused for both outputs.3.4.3 Principle of operation3.4.3.1 Parameterization1. The block is parameterized in the safety program by calling the F_SCALE_DINT block. Thescaling factor parameter and the start address in HW Config – which supplies the 32-bit valueto be scaled – as well as the bit offset and the bit length for masking, are saved in its instanceDB.2. At input I_DB_F_SCALE, a pointer is parameterized to this instance DB in the formDBxxx.DBX0.0 .