Weighing FunctionsSIWAREX FTA5-925.15 DR 22 Scale Parameter 1 (AWI)The weighing parameters that change more often in the process are defined in DR22. Normally, these parameters are changed for switching materials and are thensent to the SIWAREX FTA again.Procedure:o Define all parameters according to the material propertieso Send DR 22 to the scaleo If required, check parameters using testsName Type Address Default Range of Values / Explanation ReferenceScale parameter 1Maximum weighing time Time DBD000 0 0: deactivated, Definition in msec. 5.15.1Trailing weight REAL DBD004 1WizzardWB nmax *0,01Trailing amount after switching fine signal off 5.15.2Fine weight REAL DBD008 20Wizzard:WB nmax *0,2Amount for dosing during the fine signal 5.15.3Shut-off correction value REAL DBD012 0 +/- value for moving the shut-off point for thefine signal 5.15.4Timer pre-dosing TIME DBD016 0 0: deactivated> 0: Pre-dosing time in msec 5.15.5TO1 REAL DBD020 0,2Wizzard:WB nmax *0,002Upper tolerance limit TO1 (entry of thepermitted positive deviation from set weight) 5.15.6TU1 REAL DBD024 0,2Wizzard:WB nmax *0,002Lower tolerance limit TU1 (entry of thepermitted negative deviation from set weight) 5.15.6TO2 REAL DBB028 0,5Wizzard:WB nmax *0,005Entry of the upper tolerance limit 2, must begreater than TO1. 5.15.6TU2 REAL DBB032 0,5Wizzard:WB nmax *0,005Entry of the lower tolerance limit 2, must begreater than TU1. 5.15.636Table 5-14 DR 20 Allocation5.15.1 DR 22 - Maximum Weighing TimeThe weighing time is started with the start of a weighing procedure. After thedefined time has elapsed, a test is performed to determine whether the weighingprocedure will take longer. If yes then a technology error “Weighing time exceeded”is generated. The weighing procedure is not influenced by the technology errormessage.