Page EN-4 SITRANS LR 300 ñ QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QA82mmmmmEnglishSITRANS LR 300 WiringRUN Mode and PROGRAM ModeThe SITRANS LR 300 has two modes of operation: RUN and PROGRAM.When installation is complete and power is first supplied to the SITRANS LR 300, it starts inRUN mode and detects the distance from the instrument flange to the target in meters. This isthe default start-up display mode.When you select PROGRAM mode, the SITRANS LR 300 stops responding to the process. Itstores the most recent measurement, and holds the associated readings and mA signal output.The unit reverts to the parameter last addressed during the previous program session.When you select RUN mode, the transceiver resumes operation. The reading and mA outputdefault to the last measurement taken. The reading and associated outputs migrate to thecurrent process level at a rate controlled by the measurement response (P003).If the SITRANS LR 300 is left in PROGRAM mode for 10 minutes without input, it automaticallyreverts to RUN mode.RUN Mode DisplayPROGRAM Mode Display1347562A RS485BCOML2/NL1/+OIshield, installed onIS version onlysupply voltage ac or dcHART/mA orProfibus-PARS-485Modbus, or Dolphinprotocol= normal reading= fail-safe operationReading Questionable, appears during fail-safeoperationblinking ìHeartbeatî,indicates device is runningPercentage or Units,dependent on parameter numberactivebar graphrepresentation ofmaterial level,0 to 100% of SpanAuxiliary Readingconfidence iconsReadingblinking ìHeartbeatî,indicates device is runningparameter typeinactivebar graphEDIT icon indicates new valuebeing enteredparameter valueparameter numberprogramming indicatorPercentage or Units,dependent on parameter valueindex value