5 ShopTurn Functions 08/20055.2 Drilling 5♥ Siemens AG, 2005. All rights reserved5-172 SINUMERIK 840D sl Operation/Programming ShopTurn (BAT) – 08/2005 EditionDrillingreaming >¾ Press the "Drilling" and "Drilling reaming" soft keys.Centering-or- Drilling-or- Reaming¾ Press the "Centering", "Drilling" or "Reaming" soft key.Parameters Description UnitT, D, F, S, V See Sec. "Creating program blocks".FB Retraction feedrate (for reaming only) mm/minPosition Select from 8 different positions: End face/End face C – Front End face/End face C – Rear Peripheral surface/Peripheral surface C – Inner Peripheral surface/Peripheral surface C – Outer End face Y – Front (only when Y axis exists) End face Y – Rear (only when Y axis exists) Peripheral surface Y – inner (only when Y axis exists) Peripheral surface Y – Rear (only when Y axis exists)Clamp/release spindleThe function must be set up by the machine manufacturer.DiameterShankTipThe tool is inserted into the workpiece until the diameter of the tool reaches theworkpiece surface. The angle of the center drill specified in the tool list is taken intoaccount (only for centering).The drill is inserted into the workpiece until the drill shank reaches the programmeddepth 1. The angle specified in the tool list is taken into account (only for drilling).The drill is inserted into the workpiece until the drill tip reaches programmed depth 1(only for centering and drilling).¬ Diameter of centering (only for centering – diameter) mmZ1 Insertion depth for the drill tip or the drill shank with reference to Z0(abs. or inc.) – (only for end face/end face C and end face Y)mmX1 Insertion depth for the drill tip or the drill shank with reference to Z0(abs. or inc.) – (only for peripheral surface/peripheral surface C and peripheralsurface Y)mmDT Dwell time before retraction to release from cut sU