4 08/2005 Creating a ShopTurn Program4♥ Siemens AG, 2005. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D sl Operation/Programming ShopTurn (BAT) – 08/2005 Edition 4-145S (spindle speed) The spindle speed S specifies the number of spindle revolutions perminute (rpm) and is programmed together with a tool. The speedspecification is relative to the main spindle (S1) or counter-spindle(S3) during turning machining and axial drilling and to the tool spindle(S2) during drilling and milling machining.The spindle start occurs immediately after the tool change. Spindlestop occurs upon reset, program end, or a tool change. The spindle’sdirection of rotation is set in the tool list for each tool.Alternatively to the spindle speed, you can also program the cuttingspeed. During the milling cycles, the spindle speed is automaticallyrecalculated into the cutting speed and vice versa.V (cutting speed) The cutting speed V is a circumferential speed (m/min) and it isprogrammed together with a tool, alternatively to the spindle speed.The cutting speed is relative to the main spindle (V1) or the counter-spindle (V3) for turning machining and axial drilling and correspondsto the circumferential speed of the workpiece at the point that iscurrently being machined.For drilling and milling machining on the other hand, the cutting speedis relative to the tool spindle (V2) and corresponds to thecircumferential speed at which the cutting edge of the tool ismachining the workpiece.Machining For the processing of some cycles, you can choose betweenroughing, finishing, or complete machining For certain milling cycles,finishing edge or finishing bottom are possible. RoughingOne or more machinings with depth setting FinishingOne-time machining Finishing edgeOnly the edge of the object is finished Finishing bottomOnly the bottom of the object is finished Complete machiningRoughing and finishing with a tool in a machining stepIf you want to rough and finish using two different tools, you must callup the machining cycle twice (1st block = roughing, 2nd block =finishing). The programmed parameters are retained on the secondcall.