Programming a cycle4.5 RotateHMI sl TurningOperating Manual, 01/2008, 6FC5398-7AP10-0BA0 199Parameter Description UnitαP Infeed slope as angle – (alternative to infeed slope as flank)α > 0: Infeed along the rear flankα < 0: Infeed along the front flankα = 0: Infeed at right angle to cutting directionIf you wish to infeed along the flanks, the maximum absolute value of thisparameter may be half the flank angle of the tool.DegreesInfeed along the flankInfeed with alternate flanks (alternative)Instead of infeed along one flank, you can infeed along alternate flanks to avoidloading the same tool cutting edge at all times, and thus increase the tool life.α > 0: Start at rear flankα < 0: Start at front flankD1 or ND(only for ∇ and∇ + ∇∇∇)First infeed depth or number of roughing cutsThe respective value is displayed when you switch between the number ofroughing cuts and the first infeed.mmrev Finishing allowance in X and Z – (only for ∇ and ∇ + ∇∇∇) mmNN Number of noncuts - (only for ∇∇∇ and ∇ + ∇∇∇)VR Return distance (inc) mmMultiple • No– α0 starting angle offset• Yes– N number of threads– DA thread changeover depth (inc)– Machining: Complete or as of thread N1 (as of this thread) oronly thread X– NX 1 of N threads (NX = 1...N)N Number of threadsThe threads are distributed evenly across the periphery of the turned part; the firstthread is always placed at 0°.DA Thread changeover depth (inc)First machine all threads in sequence to thread change depth DA, then machineall threads in sequence to depth 2 · DA, etc., until the final depth is reached.DA = 0: Thread changeover depth is not taken into account, i.e. finish machiningeach thread before starting the next thread.mmMachining • Complete• As of thread N1 (1...N)Machine from N1 to N• Only thread -NX (1...N)NX ≠ 0: Only machine thread NXNX = 0: Machine all threads1) Parameter description refers to plane G18; plane selection G17 or G19 possible in selection field(MD 52006: $MCS_DISP_PLANE_TURN)!