Depth displayThe depth infeed is color-coded. The depth display indicates the actual depth at whichmachining is currently taking place. "The deeper, the darker" applies for the depth display.Machine referencesThe simulation is implemented as workpiece simulation. This means that it is not assumed thatthe work offset has already been precisely scratched or is known.In spite of this, unavoidable machine references are in the programming, such as for example,the tool change point in the machine, the retraction position when swiveling and the tablecomponents of a swivel kinematic. Depending on the current work offset - in the worst case -these machine references can mean that collisions are shown in the simulation that would notoccur for a realistic work offset - or vice versa, collisions are not shown, which could occur fora realistic work offset.Programmable framesAll frames and work offsets are taken into account in the simulation.NoteManually swiveled axesNote that swivel movement in simulation and during simultaneous recording is also displayedwhen the axes are swiveled manually at the start.Simulation displayYou can choose one of the following types of display:● Material removal simulationDuring simulation or simultaneous recording you can follow stock removal from the definedblank.● Path displayYou have the option of including the display of the path. The programmed tool path isdisplayed.NoteTool display in the simulation and for simultaneous recordingIn order that workpiece simulation is also possible for tools that have either not beenmeasured or have been incompletely entered, certain assumptions are made regarding thetool geometry.For instance, the length of a miller or drill is set to a value proportional to the tool radius sothat cutting can be simulated.Simulating machining7.1 OverviewUniversal170 Operating Manual, 05/2017, A5E40868517