NoteThe template in the toolbox is only a recommendation.An electronic template for the acceptance report is available:● in the toolbox for SINUMERIK 840D sl● on DOConCD for SINUMERIK 840D sl● on the service CD for SINUMERIK 840D slThe acceptance report is divided into the following sections:● Plant/system description● Description of the safety functions● Test of safety functionsEffect of the acceptance test for specific measuresTable 10-1 Recommendations for the scope of the acceptance test depending on specific measuresMeasure Documentation Function testPart 1Function testPart 2SupplementarymeasuresCompletion of thereportReplace the en‐coder system(see "Replacing amotor or encoder(Page 557)")Inclusion of hard‐ware dataNo No Point 4.1 Document themodified check‐sum. From soft‐ware release 4.5SP6, the modifiedchecksum is docu‐mented in the logfile.Replace an SMC,SME module(see "Replacing amotor or encoder(Page 557)")Inclusion of hard‐ware data/ soft‐ware version dataNo No Point 4.1 Document themodified check‐sum. From soft‐ware release 4.5SP6, the modifiedchecksum is docu‐mented in the logfile.Replacing a motorequipped withDRIVE-CLiQ(see "Replacing amotor or encoder(Page 557)")Inclusion of hard‐ware data/ soft‐ware version dataNo No Point 4.1 Document themodified check‐sum. From soft‐ware release 4.5SP6, the modifiedchecksum is docu‐mented in the logfile.Replacing a MotorModuleInclusion of hard‐ware data/ soft‐ware version dataYes, only Points2.1 and 2.2No Point 4.1 NoCommissioning10.6 Acceptance testSafety IntegratedFunction Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-4BP40-6BA1 547