Alarm, fault and system events 88.1 CC ROPEThe compile cycle ROPE generates an alarm with the number 75040. This requires aPowerOn. The alarm has two parameters with the following meanings:7LPHRXW$68%QRWVWDUWHG$ODUPQXPEHU )XQFWLRQ (UURUGHVFULSWLRQ(UURUQXPEHU &&523( 75042 CCROPE: Part program/ASUB start, before ROPE has been configuredReason: ● The user attempted to start a part program before ROPE_MAINconfigured the ROPE compile cycle.● The ASUB for configuring ROPE has not been started (e.g. because analarm with the response "No mode group ready" is pending after the ramp-up of the controller).Response: SelfClear alarm + missing axis releaseRemedy: ● Start the ASUB ROPE_MAIN.cpf in a channel in which the ROPE compilecycle is active.● Ensure that the drives are not in emergency off mode.● Ensure that the processing of the ASUBs is not interrupted.75040 CCROPE -4 -4: The run-up ASUB of ROPE_MAIN/ROPE_xxx.spf was not executed successfullyReason: ● An unexpected error occurred during the processing of the part programROPE_MAIN or ROPE_xxx.● The ASUB was aborted with NCRESET.● An alarm with the alarm response "No mode group ready" is pending afterthe run-up of the controller, which means that the ASUP (ROPE_MAIN)has been interrupted.● Drive not correctly run up.Response: PowerOn alarmRemedy: ● Ensure that the ROPE_MAIN is started as the first ASUB during run-up.● Ensure that the drives are not in emergency off mode.● Ensure that the processing of the ASUBs is not interrupted.● Acknowledge all of the alarms with the alarm response "No mode groupready" or eliminate their cause and then perform a reset (PO).SINUMERIK Run MyRobot /Direct ControlCommissioning Manual, 12/2018, A5E45238414B AB 89