Commissioning HMI Advanced (IM4) 08/20053 Creating user alarm texts© Siemens AG, 2005. All rights reservedIM4/3-156 SINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/840Di/810D Installation and Start-Up HMI (IAM) - 08/2005 EditionAssignment between ANSI tables and fontsTable 3-2 ANSI table 1250 (Central Europe)Font File name Name of fontArial Cearial.ttf Arial CE (TrueType)Arial bold Ceariabd.ttf Arial CE Bold (TrueType)Arial italic Ceariali.ttf Arial CE Italic (TrueType)Arial bold italic Caeriabi.ttf Arial CE Bold Italic (TrueType)Table 3-3 ANSI table 1251 (Cyrillic)Font File name Name of fontArial Aricyr.ttf Arial Cyr (TrueType)Arial bold Aricyb.ttf Arial Cyr Bold (TrueType)Arial italic Aricyri.ttf Arial Cyr Italic (TrueType)Arial bold italic Aricyrbi.ttf Arial Cyr Bold Italic (TrueType)Table 3-4 ANSI table 1252 (West Europe)Font File name Name of fontArial Windows default Arial (TrueType)Arial bold Windows default Arial Bold (TrueType)Arial italic Windows default Arial Italic (TrueType)Arial bold italic Windows default Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)Table 3-5 ANSI table 1254 (Turkish)Font File name Name of fontArial Trar.ttf Turkish Arial (TrueType)Arial bold Trarbd.ttf Turkish Arial Bold (TrueType)Arial italic Trari.ttf Turkish Arial Italic (TrueType)Arial bold italic Trarbi.ttf Turkish Arial Bold Italic (True Type)Installing languagesLanguages that are not included with the standard product must first be installed.An additional tool is implicitly required for Asian languages (e.g., NJWIN). Theappropriate fonts are installed automatically with this.When each language module is installed, the tool also installs the appropriatefonts, and all necessary entries are made in the MMC.INI file and in the registry.During system startup, the DLLs, text files (machine data files) and language-dependent INI files are stored in the "\mmc2\language" directory, and the alarmtexts are stored in the “\dh\mb.dir” directory.LanguageIf you want to configure other languages in the control, a "Language selection"softkey can be configured (see “Configuring the ‘Language Selection’ Softkey”).The name of the text file is used to assign language-specific user alarm texts. Theappropriate code and the extension .com are added to the user file name enteredin MBDDE.INI.