1 Alarms 10.041-122 Siemens AG, 2004. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Diagnostics Guide (DA), 10.04 EditionReactions: - Correction block is reorganized.- Local alarm reaction.- Interface signals are set.- Alarm display.- NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: Modify part program.Program Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.10783 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation type requires orientation transfor-mationParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: This alarm occurs, if an attempt is made to activate a tool radius compensation whichmust enable a tool orientation change and the _Orientation transformation_ option is notavailable. This alarm can only occur if one of the following G code is active in the G codegroup 22:• CUT3DC• CUT3DCC• CUT3DCCDReactions: - Correction block is reorganized.- Local alarm reaction.- Interface signals are set.- Alarm display.- NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: • Modify part program• Install "Orientation transformation" optionProgram Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.10784 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation with constraint sur-faceParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: When activating the tool radius compensation with constraint surface, an illegal tool typeis active.Only cutting tools of the tool types 1 to 399 are admitted with the following exceptions:• 111 ball end milling cutter• 155 torus milling cutter• 156 torus milling cutter• 157 torus milling cutterReactions: - Correction block is reorganized.- Local alarm reaction.- Interface signals are set.- Alarm display.- NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: Use another tool.Program Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.