General information about SINAMICS Safety Integrated3.1 Supported functionsSafety Integrated16 Function Manual, 07/2016, A5E03264275A● Safety Integrated Extended FunctionsThese functions require an additional safety license. Extended Functions with encoderrequire an encoder with safety capability.– Safe Torque Off (STO)Safe Torque Off is a safety function that prevents the drive from restartingunexpectedly according to EN- 60204-1.– Safe Stop 1 (SS1, time- and acceleration-controlled)Safe Stop 1 is based on the "Safe Torque Off" function. This means that a Category 1stop according to EN 60204-1 can be implemented.– Safe Brake Control (SBC)Safe Brake Control safely controls a holding brake. 1)– Safe Operating Stop (SOS)Safe Operating Stop protects against unintentional movement. The drive is in closed-loop control mode and is not disconnected from the power supply.– Safe Stop 2 (SS2)Safe Stop 2 safely brakes the motor with a subsequent transition into the "SafeOperating Stop" state (SOS). This means that a Category 2 stop according to EN60204-1 can be implemented.– Safely-Limited Speed (SLS)Safely Limited Speed monitors that the drive does not exceed a preset speed/velocitylimit.– Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)Safe Speed Monitor safely identifies when a speed limit is undershot in both directionsof motion, e.g. to identify zero speed. A fail-safe output signal is available for furtherprocessing.– Safe Direction (SDI)Safe Direction is used to safely monitor the direction of motion.– Safely-Limited Position (SLP)Safely-Limited Position ensures that a freely definable traversing range is not left.– Transferring safe position values (SP)The "Transfer safe position values (SP)" function enables you to transfer a safeposition to a higher-level controller via PROFIsafe.– Safe gearbox stage switchoverThe "Safe gearbox stage switchover" function facilitates reliable switching betweendifferent gearbox stages. The switchover is only possible via PROFIsafe.– Safe Brake Test (SBT)The diagnostic function "Safe Brake Test" function (SBT) checks the required holdingtorque of a brake (operating or holding brake).1) Note on Power/Motor Modules with chassis format:For chassis format, SBC is only supported by Power/Motor Modules with article number...3 or higher. A Safe Brake Adapter is also required for this design.