RFID Reader Interface User's Guide2.2 How Do I Use the Reader Interface?Mobile Readers18 Function Manual, 12/2010, J31069-D0198-U001-A2-76182.2.5 I Want To See Tags…You are able to start and stop the RFID reader service and would now like to see tags.Another look at the RfReaderApi interface reveals a member called GetTagIDs. Checkingthe return value’s type indicates that you will receive an array of strings containing the readtag IDs.You already know how to obtain an instance of an object providing the IRfReaderApiinterface. The code is shown below; The code for reading tag IDs:private void menuItemReadIDs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){string[] tagIDs = null;try{// Request all tags that are currently within reachtagIDs = RfReaderApi.Current.GetTagIDs();}catch (RfReaderApiException rfidException){// Something went wrong while reading tags.// More information is available by inspecting the// RfReaderApiException's members ResultCode, Error,// Cause and Description.WriteInformationLine(string.Format("ERROR: {0} - {1}, cause:{2}, desc: {3}\r\n",rfidException.ResultCode, rfidException.Error,rfidException.Cause, rfidException.Description));}// Display read tags ...if (null != tagIDs && tagIDs.Length > 0){for (int index = 0; index < tagIDs.Length; index++){WriteInformationLine(" > tagID " + index.ToString() + ": " +tagIDs[index]);}}else{// or a message telling us there were no tagsWriteInformationLine(" > No tags in field");}}As you can see, it is easy to read tag IDs.