Configuring the instructions4.6 Programming the Ident profileIdent profile, Add-on instruction for Rockwell systems68 Function Manual, 01/2019, C79000-G8976-C410- Command structureBefore you can start a command with "EXECUTE" or "INIT", you need to define thecommand. To allow simple definition of a command, the command buffer "CMDREF" wascreated using the "IID_CMD_STRUCT" data type. In the command buffer, you have 10 areasavailable in which commands can be programmed. The "CMDSEL" parameter specifieswhich command [0...9] is started with "EXECUTE".Remember that the first element in the buffer is always reserved for "INIT". This means thatif "INIT" is set, "CMDSEL" must be set to "0" and element "0" in the CMD buffer must befilled with the relevant settings.The following table contains the command structure of the parameters. Not every commanduses all parameters.Table 4- 46 Command structure of the parametersParameter Data type Default val-ueDescriptionCMD SINT 0 Command code (compare the table in the section"Commands of the Ident profile (Page 66)".)OFFSETBUFFER INT 0 Relative offset within the received data buffer. The pa-rameter specifies the address within the memory area atwhich the first byte of the received data must be storedor the first byte of the data to be sent is expected.All subsequent bytes must be stored in ascending ad-dresses.EPCID_UID SINT[62] 0 Buffer for up to 62 bytes EPC-ID2 - 62-byte EPC-ID is entered at the start of the buffer(length is set by "LEN_ID")Default value: 0x00 ≙ unspecified single tag accessLEN_DATA DINT 0 Amount of data to be read/written in bytesADR_TAG DINT 0 Physical start address on the transponderATTRIBUTES SINT 0 Sub command name for several commands (e.g."READER-STATUS", "INVENTORY", etc.)CHAINED BOOL FALSE • 0x00 = not chained• 0x01 = chainedAll chained commands must have this bit set except thelast command. The commands are worked through inthe order in which they are located in the CMD structure.CONFIG SINT 0 • 0x01 = reset, no configuration data• 0x02 = no reset, configuration data to be sent• 0x03 = reset, configuration data to be sent• 0x80 = no reset, only individual parameters