4 Configuration and Project EngineeringCommunication with S7 CPU via KNX GatewayEntry ID: 109739689, V1.0, 06/2017 22 Siemens AG 2017 All rights reserved4.4.5 “pnetd1.txt” gateway fileThe data points of the PROFINET protocol and their properties are defined in the“pnetd1.txt” configuration file.Table 4-7: Structure of the “pnetd1.txt” gateway fileNo. Description Comment1. The addresses of the PROFINET data pointshave the following structure:[ <byte>.]name = format = <def>: For the definition of data points, seeTable 3-1: Definition of the data point types<type>:inbyte: Byte value that can be read by thecontrollerinbit: Single bit that can be read by thecontrolleroutbyte: Byte value that can be written bythe controlleroutbit: Single bit that can be written by thecontroller<byte>: 0..339 ( nth byte in the input/outputregister)<bit>: 0..7 (single bit within the nth byte)<name>: Optional; you can specify plain textfor the data point.<format>: Protocol-dependent properties ofthe data point such as the data point forinterpreting the information stored at theaddress.If necessary, more parameters can be addedto the format, for example a poll rate (P:x):format = [F:][P:][U:] [I:][L:] [H:] [R:][D:]For more driver-specific information such astype, address, formats and other parameters,please refer to the online documentationprovided by MBS at the following link or the“pnetd1.txt” file:http://wiki.mbs-software.info/doku.php?id=profinet_io-device#---------------------------------# STATUS#---------------------------------[M failure]name = profinet communicationstate 0=ok / 1=failformat = BIT#---------------------------------# INPUT BUFFER (max 340 bytes)#---------------------------------[S inbyte 0]name = KNX-->S7 16-bit decformat = SINT16[S inbit 2.0]name = KNX-->S7 1-bitformat = BIT[Y inbyte 3]name = KNX-->S7 temperatureformat = FLOAT32#---------------------------------# OUTPUT BUFFER (max 340 bytes)#---------------------------------[M outbyte 0]name = S7-->KNX 16-bit decformat = SINT16[M outbit 2.0]name = S7-->KNX 1-bitformat = BIT PreviousNext |