Moving Calls 5-55. Moving Callstime specified at the communicationsserver.é While the forwarding option you want touse is displayed, dial the extension towhich you want your calls forwarded. Forall-condition forwarding (FWD-ALL-BOTH, FWD-ALL-EXT, FWD-ALL-INT), you can dial 9 and an outside numberas your forwarding target.Your primary line key status light flickersand the Forward status light turns on toindicate that Variable Forwarding is activefor your extension. STORED is displayed,followed by the option you chose, thenumber to which your calls will beforwarded, and ON.é Press Program. The Program status lightturns off.To set upVariableForwardingoptions on a non-display phone oron a displayphone without aProgram key or aForward keyé Get a dial tone.é Dial one of the following access codes tospecify under which conditions you wantyour calls to be forwarded:— # 9 1Forward both internal and external callsunder all conditions.— # 9 2Forward all external calls under allconditions.— # 9 3Forward all internal calls under allconditions.