Siemens NCC-2F Installation Instructions Manual
P/N 315-049430-2OPERATIONThe Model NCC-2F from Siemens Industry, Inc. (asshown in Figure 1) is a PCI-compliant network cardused with the NCC, NCC WAN and Desigo CC sys-tems. The NCC-2F allows the user to interface net-worked MXL and/or XLS fire panels to Desigo CCsand/or NCCs on XNET. The NCC-2F can also providean interface to NCC WAN components, including theHUB-4 over HNET. An NCC-2F can provide connectiv-ity to either XNET or HNET, or both XNET and HNETusing 2 cards. The NCC-2F may also be used in anFVNET setup inside the VNT. This allows for interfac-ing HNET and XNET between multiple XLS systems.The NCC-2F provides the NCC and Desigo CC with a su-pervised RS-485 network connection. The NCC-2F oper-ates in both Style 4 (Class B) and Style 7 (Class A) modes.The module fits in any available PCI 5V compliant slot. Thecard is keyed so that it will only fit in an appropriate PCI slot.The module comes preinstalled in NCC and Desigo CCcomputers. Hardware installation instructions for the NCC-2F, when it is not factory installed, can be found in thePhysical Installation section of this document.Controls and IndicatorsThe NCC-2F provides one reset switch and four LEDs thatare accessible through the back of the PC it is mountedin. The reset switch (S2) is located just below TB1.Pushing the reset switch initializes the NCC-2F operation.The LEDs are located above TB1 and are, in top to bot-tom order:DEL roloC noitpircseD)2SD(KOTEN neerG .atadgniviecersikrowtenetacidniotsknilB)1SD(KOTSOH neerG .timsnartotatadetacidniotsknilB)4SD(AHC wolleY .tcelesAlennahClaudividnietacidniot*sknilB)5SD(BHC wolleY .tcelesBlennahClaudividnietacidniot*sknilB.lennahctahtnotluaf7elytSasetacidni,ydaetssiDELfI*Installation InstructionsModel NCC-2FNetwork Interface CardFor PCI Application with WindowsSiemens Industry, Inc.Building Technologies DivisionFlorham Park, NJSiemens Canada, Ltd.1577 North Service Road EastOakville, OntarioL6H 0H6 CanadaNCC-2FP2U4P1S2TB1S1123451 5DS2DS1DS4DS5NET OKHOST OKCH ACH BSIDE VIEWRESETFigure 1NCC-2F Module BoardCONFIGURATIONThe NCC-2F is assigned to a standard COM port byWindows when the drivers are installed. The driverscome pre-installed in NCC and Desigo CC computers.The NCC-2F driver installations are covered in theDriver Installation section of this document.The COM port assigned to the NCC-2F can be viewedin the Windows Device Manager. One NCC-2F cardoccupies two consecutive COM ports, but only one willbe available for use by the NCC-2F. On Windows XPsystems, the used COM port will be the first (or lower)numbered port assigned for the NCC-2F card. On Win-dows 7 systems, the used COM port is the NCC-2FEnhanced Communications Port assigned as Port0(seen via Properties) - and may be the lower or higherport number, depending on the computer.The Device Manager is accessible in Windows as follows:WINDOWS XPClick Start >Settings >Control Panel >AdministrativeTools >Computer Management >Device Manager.Another way is to right click My Computer icon, thenselect Properties >Hardware >Device Manager. |
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