Mezzanine ModulesA mezzanine module conditions the signal from a non-conductivity detector. The mezzanineplugs into the Base3 DPM in order to tailor the DPM for a specific measurement.Three primary types of mezzanine are available to accommodate FID and FPD detectors, andvarious detectors that produce a scaled analog output (AI) mezzanine. Some of themezzanines have a dual range function for maximum flexibility. See the table below for detailsrelating to the various mezzanine options.The AI mezzanine can be used for reading a detector voltage signal from a specialized or thirdparty detector, such as the Valco PDD, where the device only supplies a scaled voltage output.The AI signal will be treated like a normal detector signal, with a 50% balance range.Table 2-4 Mezzanine Part Number DescriptionsMezzanine Detector SubModule TypeUsage NormalRangeAlternateRange2020960-001 FID Low level FID 0.2nA none2020960-003 Standard FID 1nA 20nA2021328-002 Large Scale FID 100nA 1000nA2021328-001 FPD FPD 100nA none2021328-003 FPD, 0.18 Hz Filter 100nA none2021326-001 Universal Voltage AI ±1V ±10V1901614-001Dummy PlugWhen Base DPM is Filament only,and no mezzanine requirednone none2.5.3 Replacing a Base3DPMRemoving the Base3DPMSee the illustrationBase3 DPM With Mezzanine Module andTemperature Setpoint ModulesInstalled on Left Side of Base3DPM for connector and module locations.1. Back up and shut down the unit using theGeneral Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.2. Open the electronics enclosure door.3. Disconnect the detector signal cable from the mezzanine module.– FID and FPD mezzanine modules use SMA coaxial cables. Unscrew the nut to unplugthe cable.– Analog input mezzanine modules use small terminal block connectors that can beunplugged.4. Disconnect the fIlament detector cable if present.5. Disconnect the RTD temperature input cables (top rear of unit, if present).6. If present, take out screws holding the IS ground cables (typically only installed on modularoven models).7. Remove the nut on the bottom-front of DPM bracket.Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures2.5 Detector Personality ModulesMaxum II Reference Manual66 Manual, 7/2017, 2000596-001