3.6.5 Heat TracingSome vapor lines must be heated to prevent condensation. If heat tracing is required, it will benoted in the "Notes" block on the Block Diagram Utility Connections sheet contained in theApplication Drawing Package.When heat tracing is used, it is essential that none of the tubing be exposed to ambientconditions. Steam tracing must be continuously sloped downward for draining any condensate,and it must have condensate traps at any low points.3.7 Sampling System InstallationThe sampling system provides a conditioned process sample to the analyzer. In somesituations the sample system is provided by Siemens. This section is intended to provideguidelines and is not intended to be a comprehensive installation procedure. Be sure to followlocal and national codes with regard to the installation of this equipment. If the sampling systemwas provided by Siemens, then references will be given to link to the custom documentationpackage. Refer to Application Drawing Package, Sampling System sheets for informationconcerning sampling system.Siemens Supplied Sample SystemNoteAll sample system characteristics described in this section are dependent on the configurationand T-rating of the analyzer. See the Application Drawing Package for all site specificrequirements.NoteSample filtering is required to protect the sample valve from contaminants. See Refer to yourcustom documentation to check on the requirements for your system. In some cases these areinstalled at the factory.Siemens sample systems typically receive process samples from the transport system at -18to 122°C (0 to 250°F), and at 34 to 1724 kPa (5 to 250 psig) for gases, or 103 to 1724 kPa (15to 250 psig) for liquids.The process line selected for removal of the sample should have these characteristics:● A horizontal run● Containing a single sample phase (either all gas or all liquid)● Close to the analyzer● Reasonably protected from mechanical damage● Reasonably easy to access for installation and removal of the sample probe.Installation Steps3.7 Sampling System InstallationInstallation ManualInstallation Manual, 12/2019, 2000595 Rev 1 31