Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen masterCANopen Option Module Operating Instructions6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0 1036 Commissioning using a commissioning(start-up) tool6.1 Assigning process dataThe PZD data received (consumed) from the CANopen master is located in aspecific data area in the MICROMASTER 420/430/440. For reasons of flexibility,this incoming PZD data must be allocated a purpose of use – for instance, thesecond word can be used as speed setpoint. Using parameters P0700 and P1000to allocate, it is set so that the control word is received via P2050.00 and the mainsetpoint via P2050.01. The required BICO connections are also made for thispurpose.The PZD data, transferred back to the CANopen master (produced), come fromanother data area which is specifically reserved in MICROMASTER 420/430/440for outgoing data. This is also done for reasons of flexibility. Every outgoing PZDdata word (16 bit) must be allocated internal status words and actual value words,which are already available in MICROMASTER 420/430/440. This means that thesecond word, sent back to the CANopen master, can, for example, include thespeed actual value. The indexed parameter P2051 is used to make this selection.NOTEOnly 4 PZD words are shown for the MICROMASTER 420 in Table 6-1. Thiscorresponds to the maximum capacity of the MICROMASTER 420.MICROMASTER 430/440 have higher capacities. The CANopen option modulecan process up to 6 PZD words.Parameters "P0700" and "P1000" (selected via BICO)As described above, control word and setpoint source can be quickly selectedusing parameter P0700 (this selects the command source) and P1000 (this selectsthe frequency setpoint).P0719 must be set to 0 if the BICO technology is used with "P0700" and "P1000".Parameters "r2050" and "P2051" (BICO)An extremely high degree of flexibility is achieved by interconnecting the processdata using binectors/connectors. More detailed information on this is provided inthe Section "Binectors and connectors" in the Operating Instructions forMICROMASTER 420/430/440.The connections of the various setpoints and actual values to and from theCANopen master via the CANopen option module are defined in "r2050" and"P2051".