144/327Building Technologies Basic Documentation LMV5... CC1P7550en8 Display and operating unit AZL5 22.05.2018Example: Immediate display of lockoutsIn the event lockout occurs, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.L o c k o u tG a s P r e s s u r e wV a l v e P r o v i n g :V a l v e o n G a sS i d e l e a k i n gExample: Immediate display of safety shutdownsIn the event of safety shutdown, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.S a f e t y S h u t d o w nG a s P r e s s u r e h a sd r o p p e d b e l o wm i n i m u m L i m i tExample: Immediate display of warningsIn the event of warnings, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.W a r n i n gS l o p e t o o s t e e pExample: Immediate display of start preventionsIn the event of start preventions, the display alternates at 5-second intervals.S t a r t P r e v e n t i o nA i r P r e s s u r eo nLockout and error messages(cont‘d)