T&"HqyrS7-300 Automation System, Hardware and Installation: CPU 31xC and CPU 31xA5E00105492-03 4-38r Apv Dyy
hvSIEMENSe.g., CPU 31xCSIEMENSe.g., CPU 312, 314, or 315-2 DPCPUAccessory:Front connectors (for CPUs withintegrated peripherals)This runs the user program,supplies 5 V to the S7-300backplane bus; communicateswith other nodes of an MPInetwork via the MPI interface.Additional properties of specificCPUs:• DP master or DP slave in aPROFIBUS subnet• Technological functions• Point-to-point connectionRUNSTOPMRESBF1BF2SFDC5VFRCERUNSTOPe.g., CPU 317-2 DPSignal modules (SM)(Digital input modules, digitaloutput modules, digital I/Omodules, analog input modules,analog output modules, analogI/O modules)Accessory:Front connectorsThey match different processsignal levels to the S7-300.Function modules (FM)Accessory:Front connectorsThese perform time-critical andmemory-intensive process signalprocessing tasks, such aspositioning or regulation.