Siemens BV830EN 1 Series Information For Use
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en Vacuum-sealing in the bag67 Vacuum-sealing in the bagIn the bag, vacuum-sealed food has a longer shelf life.You can therefore marinate the food or prepare forsous-vide cooking.7.1 Suitable vacuum-sealing bagsUse suitable vacuum-sealing bags in order to achievean optimum result.Use the original vacuum-sealing bags that are en-closed with the applianceor can be ordered as ac-cessories.¡ These bags are suit-able for a temperaturerange of -40 °C–100 °C.¡ The optimum heat-sealing time for thesebags is level 2.¡ The bags are suitablefor use in the mi-crowave. Pierce thebags before you heatthem up in the mi-crowave.Only use bags that aresuitable for vacuum-seal-ing food.Commercially availableproducts are differentwhen it comes to thequality of the food, tem-perature resistance, ma-terial and surface.The heat-sealing time forthe vacuum-sealing bagalways depends on thematerial from which it ismade.¡ Thin-walled bag: Heat-sealing level 1¡ Thicker material: Heat-sealing level 2 orhigherUse bags with a max-imum width of 240 mm.The length of the heat-sealing bar limits the sizeof the vacuum-sealingbag that can be used.7.2 Filling the bagRequirements¡ The edge of the bag is clean and dry.¡ There is no food residue around the edge of the bagin the area around the seam.1. Fold over the edge of the bag by approx. 3 cm.2. Where possible, position the items of food in the va-cuum-sealing bag next to each other.3. Fold the edge of the bag back.Tip: To ensure that you can keep track of your bagsand the food that is vacuum-sealed within them, makea note on the bag of the date of the vacuum-sealingalong with the contents.7.3 Vacuum-sealing in the bagRequirement: The initial temperature of the food isideally in the range of 1–8 °C.1. Open the glass lid.2. Place the vacuum-sealing bag in the compartment.3. Make sure that the air outlet is not covered so thatthe pump can extract the air from the compartment.4. To ensure that the heat-sealing seam is perfectlyclosed, make sure that the centre of the bag andthe ends of the bag are lying flat on top of eachother on the heat-sealing bar.5. Make sure that the open end of the bag is protrud-ing over the heat-sealing bar by approx. 3 cm butthat it is not touching the lid seal. |
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