Siemens AIRLINK VENUS Installation & Operation Manual
TROUBLESHOOTING_________________________________________________________________________________________________________4-1COM-00-21-04 OCTOBER 2021Version No.: A.1SECTION 4TROUBLESHOOTING4 TROUBLESHOOTINGIf properly configured, the Remote Station (RS) and the Base Station (BS) should connect withinone minute after being turned on. If the connection is not established, then the following needsto be investigated.Table 4-1 Troubleshooting MatrixPROBLEM TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDUREConfiguration MismatchVerify that both the BS and the RS are configured for the sameconfiguration. (Note that if the configuration is to be changed over theradio link, then it is essential to configure all RS units before configuringthe BS unit as connectivity to the RS unit will be lost after the newconfiguration is implemented.)Symbolic Link: It is important to note that the system relies on symboliclinks to the desired configuration file. Multiple configurations can be storedon each radio, but only the one linked is active. If the symbolic link is to thewrong configuration file, then the unit will not connect.Excessive PathlossIn a lab setup, verify that the attenuation between the BS and the RS isset properly and does not exceed 90 dB. (Do not power on the radioswithout the proper attenuation between the units).In an operational environment, verify that the path loss is acceptable andthat the connections to the antennas are secure and proper. Verify that theantennas are correctly installed per the RF plan.Cabling & Antennas Verify that both the BS and RS along with their associated RF cabling andantennas are properly grounded.InterferencePerform an RF scan using Apollo to verify that the channel is clear of RFinterference. Note that the radio has a very large RF range and as such,out of TX/RX band RF energy can affect the radio’s sensitivity. Properuse of external filters can reduce this interference. |
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