5-47System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-07The controls and indicators are arranged on the front plate of the CPUmodule:SIEMENSReceptacle forUser Memory SubmoduleMode SwitchLED (green)LED (red)Momentary-Contact Mode SwitchFault Indicator LEDs (red)PG Interface, 15-PinInterface SI 1Release LeverLocking PinInterface Fault Indicator LEDs (red)Interface 1Interface 2RUNSTOPRUNSTOPRÜCKSETZENRESETURLÖSCHENOVERALL RESETSI1SI2QVZADFZYKBASPOrder Number and VersionReceptacle for Interface SubmoduleInterface SI 2SI2SI16ES5928-3UB12CPU 928BFigure 5-6 Front Plate of the CPU 928BControls andIndicatorsCPUs, Memory Cards, Memory Submodules, Interface Submodules