5-51System ManualC79000-G8576-C199-07The modules must be inserted at the correct slots in the central controller.The backup battery must be fitted and in order for the CPU to start.Step Action Result1 Set the mode switch to STOP.2 Switch the system voltage on. The following LEDs must lightup on the CPU:– Red STOP LED (flashingrapidly)– Red BASP2) LED3 Hold the MC1) switch in theOVERALL RESET settingand simultaneously set themode switch from STOP toRUN.The red STOP LED is nowpermanently lit.1) MC: Momentary-contact2) BASP: Command output inhibitStep Action Result1 Set the mode switch to STOP.2 Hold the MC switch in theRESET setting andsimultaneously set the modeswitch from STOP to RUN.– Red STOP LED goes off– Green RUN LED lights up– Red BASP LED goes offThe CPU is now in the RUN statebut still has no user program.You can also carry out a manual restart of the CPU 928B with the modeswitch. The CPU 928B Programming Guide will indicate when a manualrestart is permissible.Step Action Result3 Set the mode switch fromSTOP to RUN.– Red STOP LED goes off– Green RUN LED lights up– Red BASP LED goes offFor maintenance purposes or in the event of a fault, this startup without userprogram in single-processor operation can serve to establish whether the CPUis operating without errors.StartupOverall ResetResetRestartCPUs, Memory Cards, Memory Submodules, Interface Submodules