Description9229 9923 176 0B 232013-09-09A further shunt release, transformer-operated release, undervoltage release orinstantaneous release can be installed as a 2nd release.2nd shunt release (Y2) 3AX1101Transformer-operated releases (Y4, Y5) 3AX1102, (Y6) 3AX1104The second shunt release Y2 is installed whenever morethan one shunt release is needed.In this version, the electrical “open” command is passedby means of a magnet armature to the “OPEN” latch byrelease of an energy storage mechanism, thus openingthe vacuum circuit-breaker module. This opening sole-noid is not designed for continuous operation. Any nec-essary varistors and rectifiers are integrated in therelease.Power consumption is approximately 60 W / VAFig. 21 2nd shunt release (54.2)The transformer-operated releases Y4, Y5 or Y6 consistof an energy storage mechanism, an unlatching fixtureand an electromagnetic system. If the tripping current isexceeded (90 % of the transformer-operated release'srated current), the energy storage mechanism isunlatched, thus initiating opening of the vacuum circuit-breaker module.For use of the transformer-operated release, matchingtransformers are also needed for matching, in addition tothe main current transformers.Power consumption for 0.5 A and 1 A ≤ 6 VA at ≤ 90 %of the transformer-operated release's rated current andwith open armature.Fig. 22 Transformer-operated releases (54.3)