Operating Instruction Siemens 3AH3 / 西门子 3AH3 真空断路器使用手册DescriptionConstructionThe vacuum circuit-breaker consists of the mechanismhousing (60.), the 3-pole assemblies (19.) with vacuuminterrupter (30.), cast-resin post insulators (16.1and16.2), struts (28.) and of the operating rods (48.) withcontact pressure springs (49).Each of three pole assemblies (19.) is supported bytwo cast-resin post insulators (16.1and 16.2), which arebolted to the pole plate (15) respectively.The main feature of the 3AH3 vacuum circuit-breakerare shown in Fig.2/1.The mechanism housing (60.) accommodates allelectrical and mechanical elements required foropening and closing the vacuum circuit-breaker. Fig.2/2 shows the arrangement of the individual modules inthe mechanism housing.The mechanism housing has a detachable cover60.1(Fig.2/3).This cover (60.1) has cutouts for the actuating andindicating devices.The vacuum circuit-breaker is closed by means of thepushbutton (53.). The motor (50.4) immediatelyrecharges the closing spring (62.). In the event of motorpower supply failure, the closing spring can be chargedby means of a hand crank (50.). The coverincludes an opening (50.1) for the hand crank, behindwhich the hand crank coupling (50.5) of the gearing(50.2) is located. The stored-energy mechanism stateis shown by the indicator (55.). The indicator (59.)shows the breaker state (ON-OFF). The operatingcycle counter (58.) indicates the number of chargingoperations. The rating plate (51.) is attached to themechanism housing but visible through an opening(51.1) in the cover.The movement is transmitted to the pole assembliesvia moulded-plastic operating rods (48.).说明结构真空断路器由机构箱 (60.), 3 相极柱装配 (19.) 真空灭弧室 (30.), 环氧浇注绝缘子 (16.1 和 16.2), 绝缘支杆(28.) 和带有触头压力弹簧 (49)的绝缘拉杆(48.).每相极柱装配 (19.) 由两个环氧浇注绝缘子 (16.1 和16.2) 所支撑, 绝缘子是通过螺栓连接分别固定在支撑板上 (15).3AH3 真空断路器的主要特征见图 2/1.机构箱 (60.) 包含了用于合分断路器 的所有机械和电气单元. 图.2/2 显示了机构箱中各个独立的模块单元.机构箱有一块可拆卸的面板 60.1(图.2/3).面板 (60.1) 有操作和指示设备的开孔.真空断路器通过按钮 (53.) 合闸后. 马达 (50.4) 立即对合闸弹簧 (62.) 储能. 在电动储能失败的情况下,合闸弹簧可通过手柄 (50.) 进行手动储能. 面板上有一个手动储能的开孔(50.1), 它的后面是齿轮箱 (50.2) 的 手柄储能机构 (50.5). 储能机构状态通过储能指示器 (55.) 显示. 指示器 (59.) 显示断路器状态 (合-分). 操作计数器(58.) 显示了储能操作次数. 铭牌 (51.) 安放于机构箱中但是可以通过面板上的开孔 (51.1) 看到.合分操作通过绝缘拉杆 (48.) 传送到极柱装配.- 2/1 -Fig.2/1 3AH3 vacuum circuit-breaker图.2/1 3AH3 真空断路器