Command Descriptions, Continuedlocal> list 155msg | source | destination | size | source port | time stamp155 | Trace enabled | 00:01:48.23156 | IP- | IP- | 64 | 2 | 00:01:48.29157 | IP- | IP- | 64 | 2 | 00:01:49.00158 | IP- | IP- | 64 | Ethernet | 00:01:49.75159 | IP- | IP- | 64 | 2 | 00:01:50.11160 | Station detected IP- | 00:02:00.00161 | IP- | IP- | 1536 | 5 | 00:02:18.29162 | IP- | IP- | 1536 | 2 | 00:02:18.00163 | IP- | IP- | 1132 | Ethernet | 00:02:19.75164 | IP- | IP- | 64 | 2 | 00:02:20.11The event display gives a time-stamp, and an event description. Allevents other than frame-capture events are always shown as singlelines. Captured frames may be summarized as single lines, or expandedinto a multi-line display.Time stamps are shown as elapsed time from the last board reset orpower-on.The user can view more than 22 messages by supplying at sequencenumber and list length:list 1, 300 List message numbers 1 – 300.The list length may appear by itself:list , 32This lists the next 32 trace buffer entries and increments the currentmessage number by 32.All the messages in the internal trace buffer can be viewed by listingsequence number one then entering the list command until the lastmessage is displayed. When the current message number isincremented to the last message in the internal buffer, it is automaticallyset to 1.There is a continuous listing mode for monitoring all the messages in theinternal trace buffer. It is set by entering list on. All the messages in theinternal buffer will be displayed and any new messages will be listed assoon as they are collected into the buffer. Hitting any key terminates thecontinuous listing mode.To clear all events from the event buffer, uselist clear2000592-001 Command Summary • 41