30Caption (default) FunctionFINAL Used to finalize the guest check temporarily (with the tax calculation).H.T. Used to perform the hotell transfer function.RA and RA2 Used to enter the received-on-account (RA 1 and 2).PO and PO2 Used to enter the paid-out (PO 1 and 2).1/2 Used to enter half penny.AMOUNT Used to enter an item amount.PINT Used to perform the pint entry.VATSFT Used to perform the VAT shift entry.VIP Used to enter the vip sale.GUEST# Used to enter the guest number.DEPO Used to enter the deposit.DEP.RF Used to refund the deposit.BILL TRANS/TOTAL Used to perform the bill transfer/bill totalizing function.BILL SEPARATE Used to perform the bill separate function.TRANS OUT Used to enter the transfer-out function.TRANS IN Used to enter the transfer-in function.C.BILL Used to print the bill.GUEST CHECK RCPT Used to print the details of the guest check on the receipt.CASH TIP Used to enter the cash tip.NON CASH TIP Used to enter the non-cash tip.TIP PAID Used to execute the tip paid function.WITH Used to add a PLU to the set PLU.W/O Used to delete a linked PLU from the set PLU.CHK PR Used to print the check.MGR# Used to enter the manager code.EMPL# Used to enter the employee code.REPEAT Used to repeat a last item entry.PERSN# Used to enter the person number.I.PAY Individual payment keyMISC FUNCTIONS Used to display the miscellaneous function menu.RCP.SW Used to switch the receipt printing state (ON/OFF).TIME-IN Used to enter time-in operation.TIME-OUT Used to enter time-out operation.BREAK Break keyD.SFT1 thru D.SFT4 Used to change the department code for a PLU (department shift 1 thru 4).L1 thru L10 Used to shift the direct PLU key level (level 1 thru 10).P1 thru P7 Used to shift the PLU price level (level 1 thru 7).FUNCTION MENU1 Used to go to the function menu 1 keyboard.FUNCTION MENU2 Used to go to the function menu 2 keyboard.MGR FUNCTION Used to go to the function menu 3 keyboard (the manager function keyboard).TEXT1 Used to go to the function menu 4 keyboard (text entry).TEXT2 Used to go to the function menu 5 keyboard (text entry).