90SETRESETGET40 INPUT X, XS, y, Numerical variables and string variables can be combinedYS by using the comma ( , ) to separate them, but it isnecessary to match the type of variable at the time ofinput.SET 30,15RESET 30,1510 GET N20 GET KSIlluminates the position of coordinates (30,15).Er!Ules the position of coordinates (30,15).Inputs one numerical character from the keyboard relativeto numerical variable N. If the key is not pressed at thattime, 0 is input.Inputs one string from the keyboard relative to stringvariable KS. If the key is not pressed at that time, ASbecomes vacant.READ - DATA 10 READ A,B,C1010 DATA 25,-0.5,500Numerical data 25, -0.5 and 500 are substituted to,respectively, numerical variables A, B and C by executionof the READ-DATA statements at the left.RESTORE10 READ HS, H, SS, The first data of the DATA statement, i.e., string dataS "HEART", is substituted for the first variable of the30 DATA "HEART", 3READ statement, i.e., for the string variable HS. Next,35 DATA" SPADE ", numerical data 3 is substituted for the second variable H,11 and read-in continues one after the other.10 READ A,B,C In the example at the left, 3, 6 and 9 are respectively20 RESTORE substituted for variables A, Band C by the READ30 READ D,E statement in statement number 10, but, because the100 DATA 3,6,9, RESTORE statement occurs next, the values next substi-12, 15 tuted for variables D and E by statement number 30'sREAD are, respectively, 3 and 6, not 12 and 15.700 RESTORE 200 Moves the data read-out pointer in the READ-DATAstatement to the heading of the DATA statement instatement number 200.